Chapter 12

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Finally Kyle pulls over and rips me out of the trunk. "What the fuck were you doing back there! You were trying to get me caught! " Kyle screams raising his fist to hit me.

I suddenly blurt out "Zach raped me."  With that Kyles eyes go dark.

He says in a cold voice "What? " I nod my head, to confirm it. "He hurt my little sweetheart. That motherfucker. I swear I'll kill him. Did he do anything else? "

Kyle looks down at me sharply, expecting my answer. "He said that once we get out of the trunk that wouldn't be my last punishment from him. " I pause, and add a lie into the mix, to make sure Kyle gets rid of him. "And he called you a bitch. " I say. Kyle nods his head.

"Now I know I'll kill him." He stalks over to the back of the car. Opens the trunk and drags Zach out. As I stand there, I wonder if I could get away. I take mini steps back as Kyle beats Zach.

When I get about 15 feet away I turn and sprint through the woods. Limbs smack my face. Thorns cut my legs. But the worst is the rocks under my bare feet.

"Kasey get your ass back here! " Kyle screams. I hear him behind me, cussing as the thorns cut him. As soon as he's about to grab my hair, I take a sharp right, down hill. "FUCK! " he screams.

Next thing I know, Kyle is tumbling down the hill past me. He hits a tree at the bottom and I hysterically laugh. Kyle scrambles to his feet, and starts sprinting back up here.

I try to run, but it takes 10 seconds for him to grab my hair and pull me against his chest.

"God dammit, Kasey. You made me have to leave Zach there, he's probably driven away buy now? " Kyle screams at me. He grabs my ass and squeezes really hard. "Fuck Kasey, the motherfucker is gonna get the police now. C'mon. "

Kyle grabs my wrist and wrenches me to the side. "Well I hope he gets the police." I say bitterly. "That way you go to ja-" he kisses me really hard. I can't pull away because he has me backed up against a tree. He's so strong, I can't push him off.

He pulls away, but keeps one hand on my mouth and the other on my ass. "Don't you dare disrespect me like that again. And you'll be punished to night, sweetheart. " He grabs my wrist again and keeps jogging South.


After what feels like hours we stop at a small shack in the woods. I recognize this shack.

"Ah, right where I was heading. I come- came here on the weekends, way back when. " he says dragging me inside. "What the fuck! " he screams pointing at Broken whiskey bottles and blood. "Who the fuck did this? " he wonders aloud.

"Kyle?" I ask quietly.

He looks at me "Yes sweetheart? "

"Zach did. Zach is the one who ruined it. That uhm, that blood is, is, mine." I stutter on a few words, worried that Kyle will be mad.

I blink my eyes, trying to keep tears at bay. Kyle wipes away a few stray tears. But he pushes on the bruise on my face from where he hit me earlier.

"Just because he did that to you doesn't mean you aren't getting punished. Ya hear?"  He says to me strictly.

"Ok." I say saddly. "But, what are you gonna do." I say, terrified of the answer. He could do anything. From murder to dropping me off in the middle of nowhere.

"Your going to strip naked, and crawl around picking up the place, with your mouth, while I watch. Yeah that seems perfect for you sweetheart." He says, grinning seductively. "Well get to stripping." He says lifting up my shirt.

Once he lifts my shirt up he lays back on the couch. I undo my bra and pull my pants down. I start to walk to the first pieces of glass, but Kyle grabs my neck stopping me.

"I said you have to crawl." He yells, and throws me onto the ground. "Now get to working sweetheart. "

I get on my hands and knees, and start crawling to the first piece of trash. I pick it up with my mouth and Kyle says "come here, sweetheart. "

I crawl over to him and place the piece of trash into his hands. I turn around and he slaps my ass. I moan from pain. Then Kyle picks me up and bends me over the couch, raping me.


Zach's pov

I drive and recognize where I am. I'm in my home town. I drive directly to the police station. When I get there people jaws drop.

"Uhm Sir?" I ask the strong guy in the front. He looks up at me. "I need to see the sheriff." I say impatiently. He points down a hallway.

I walk down and knock on a door.

"Come on in! " the sheriff yells.

I walk in and he looks up. "Oh my god. Your Zach right? " he says in astonishment. I nod my head. "Oh sit down sit down. Someone get this boy some food and water! " Sheriff Carson yells. "Ok, uhm, are you  comfortable telling me what happened? "

"He just, he grabbed me from behind in the park. He put a cloth on my face and I blacked out. Next thing I wake up to is being dragged into an abandoned building, Kasey was in the middle, bloodied and bruised." I take a moment to think back to that beautiful sight of her lying there helplessly. I have to suppress the smile that's trying to force it's way onto my face.

Someone comes in with a plate of food and water. When she leaves I start again.

"And he moved us a lot. But the worst for me was watching him rape Kasey everytime her parents were on TV. " I force a tear down my face. "And he beat me non stop. " I gesture to my bruises. "Eventually he put me and Kasey into a trunk and drove really fast. We heard sirens, police sirens, but he drove through a field and pulled us out. He hit Kasey, then started hitting me. " I take a second to make the sheriff think I was scared. Sheriff Carson just nods.

"Then Kasey took off running. I got in the car and left. I couldn't go get her because the car wouldn't be able to go through the woods. But I think I know where they went." I say looking serious.

"Ok you gotta take us to them before he hurts Kasey more. Please. " Sheriff Carson says desperately. I nod my head, and signal for him to come with me.


After a while of driving we pull up at my shack in the woods. So many good memories of Kasey and me.

"Here, I'm for sure that Kyle was heading this way. " I whisper yell to him. He nods and requests back up.

I hear a yelp from inside and jump out. Sheriff Carson jumps out to, gun pulled.

"Wait for the back up. " he whisper from around the car. "I request back up to come in slowly and silently. " he says into his coms.


After 45 minutes of hearing screams and cries from inside the back up finally comes.

"Alright everyone, he is armed and dangerous. We go in quietly and smart. We have to get Kasey out safely. " he says and everyone nods. "Go! " he whisper yells.

People charge in. And shots ring out.

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