Chapter 13

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Kaseys pov

Shots ring out from every where and Kyle shoves me into the closet.

"Fucking stay in there Kasey. " he says in my ear.

Everything is black in here, and guns shoot in all directions. I hear stomps through out the house. Suddenly Kyle opens the door and grabs my hair. He puts a gun to my head. I'm a hostage.

"Kyle listen, we know what your going through. We can help you. If you give us Kasey we can get you a deal. Ok. Just give her to us." Sheriff Carson says calmly.

"No! You don't understand. I'm not going through anything." Kyle screams. I shut my eyes tight and hold my tears back. "I just want this piece of sugar to be mine. " h e says giving me a kiss on the head.

Sheriff Carson nods. "Ok, Kyle we can make a deal. Kasey will come see you every week in jail. But you have to give her to me now or never. " Carson says.

"No, I think I'll keep her right now." I close my eyes tighter when he starts to groupe me. He kneads my breasts with one hand
and, keeping the gun in place with the other. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me. " he says, challenging the sheriff.

"Oh really? " Carson asks.

"Mhm." Kyle hums.

I shut my eyes as his hand moves to my ass. Then a loud bang, and there's blood all over me. Kyle's lifeless body drops to the floor. Sheriff Carson runs to me and pulls me out of the room.

"Oh my god Kasey are you alright? " he asks me. I nod my head. I just want to get out of here.

Then Zach walks in. I lean into sheriff Carson's ear and whisper "I'll tell you later why, but I don't want Zach in here. " Carson pushes Zach out and helps me into an ambulance.


Later after the police interview me my mom, dad, Jason, and Chrarlie come into the room. My brother gives me a hug on the same side as my mom. My dad sits at my feet, looking longingly at me and Charlie hold my hand crying.

"Kasey I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so fucking sorry. " he cries. I stroke his cheek.

"It's ok. But let's not talk about it now. " I say to him.

"Honey, did that son of a bitch hurt you bad, because I'll kill him again in he did. " my dad says angerly.

"I don't want to talk about it. "


My family and Charlie continue to sees me in the hospital until I'm able to leave.

Right now it's just Charlie in my room. My parents had to work and Jason had football practice for college.

"You know, if it's ok with your parents I could take you home. " Charlie says gently. "And I know it's a tough subject but did you tell the police about Zach? " Charlie is the only one who knows about what Zack did before, and during the kidnapping.

I shake my head no. Charlie throws his book across the room. "Oh my god. Kasey you have to fucking tell them! " he screams at me.

My brother walks in. "Don't you fucking talk to my sister like that again. " Jason walks slowly towardd him. "Or I'll cut you head off. She's been through enough. " he says quietly.

Charlie points to my brother and looks at me. "Fucking tell him Kasey. Or I will. "

I open and close my mouth several times but nothing comes out. "Tell me what Kasey? " Jason says softly.

I hang my head low, but Jason pulls it back up gently. "Kasey I'm your brother. You can tell me everything. " he says, holding my head in his hands.

"It, uhm, it. " I stumble words. I can't seem to push them out of my mouth. "Zach he uh he abused me. And when he was with me and Kyle he raped me in the car. That's why Kyle was beating him when I ran. " I mumble so quietly that I thought Jason didn't hear me.

"FUCK! " Jason screams. 3 nurses run in.

"Sir please don't scream. We can't have Ms. Cotol under so much stress right now. " a nurse says calmly. Jason just paces around the room, completely ignoring her.

"Ma'am please just let me talk to my sister. I won't scream no more. " the nurses nod and walk out, eyeing my brother. "Kasey why didn't you ever tell me. Those bruises on your arms weren't from your clumsiness were they? "

I shake my head. "Has he raped you before?" He asks. I nod. "That motherfucker. Had us thinking he was the perfect boyfriend, other than the occasional drinks. " he looks at Charlie. "How long did you know? " he says pointing his finger in his face.

"I found out 2 days before we were attacked. " Charlie says.

"Jason. It's not that big of a de-" he cuts me off.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not that big of a deal! I'm going to fucking kill him! " he screams in my face.

I decide it best not to talk.


Two hours after our fight Dc. George comes in with papers.

"Ok Kasey. We've done a rape kit. And 3 ribs are broken,  and you have severe bruiding, but that's it. Take it easy so your ribs heal, and that's it. Your free to go. " he turns and then turns back. "Also your parents called and said they couldn't come get you and wouldn't like you to ride with your brother or Mr Charlie Andrews. " he turns and walks out.

"Ok sis, let's go. " Jason says helping me up.

"Bub ima go with Charlie. I have to talk to him. " I say quietly. Being with Kyle had affected how I talk to people. Man I wish I was the one who shot him.

"Wel I have to talk to you about something so your coming with me" Jason says sternly.

I shake my head no, and go to speak but Charlie beats me to it. "She said she wants to come with me, so she'll be coming with me. You can drive behind us, in front it doesn't matter. " he says pushing my wheel chair to his car.

Jason grabs onto his shoulder and says "she's my sister. And she is coming with me."

"Jason! I'm going with Charlie. " I yell at him. I tell Charlie to go to his car, and he obliges.

He drives me home but before I get out he whispers "Kasey I love you. And I want you to be my girlfriend. Forever and always." I look at him stunned. Then recover myself.

"Charlie I love you to. And yes I'll be your girlfriend forever and always. " then Jason helps me into my wheelchair and drives me inside.


Hey guys I really meant for this book to he longer, but this is my first book so I guess not. But I hope y'all like it.

The book is almost done. When it's done I'll probably cry. I love writing it and coming up with the ideas. But I just didn't know what else to put. Love you guys.


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