Ch 5: Birthday Blues

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All Marinette could hear was the crying-no, the agonized howling-of all of the civilians who had been injured in the attack. She stared at the woman on her knees who was begging her best friend, whom she had struck in the head with glass, to forgive her. Marinette took a shaky breath; they had only been having an argument about what restaurant they wanted to eat at, and because of Ladybug, the akuma victim had had enough time to play with them.

Another ambulance drove into the blocked off area to help the survivors-so far, no one had been found dead, but Marinette refused to take confidence in that. Its wailing sirens, paired with the other fifteen or sixteen ambulances on site-pierced her brain, putting her in her favorite sweet spot: the verge of a splitting headache. There were so many people. So many. An entire sea.


Marinette's eyes snapped down to Chat Noir, the hand in his hair stalling. He blinked up at her a few times and she released the giant breath she had been holding for the past twenty minutes.

"Hey," she said, smiling softly. She resumed running a hand through his hair, enjoying the way the stress washed away from his soft features.

"Hey," he echoed, a little unfocused as his lips curled up at her. He blinked a few more times when one of her tears trailed his cheek. "Wait. Marinette-" He groaned, his brain fog dissipating as he said, "-what's...what's happening? What's wrong?"

She helped him sit up on the steps outside the building Adrien had brought her to earlier, and he sucked in a breath. His hand came to his head before his eyes set on her again, distracted.


She gently caught his wrist, stopping him when he tried to wipe away her tears. She shook her head, wanting to keep his attention off of her; he was the one he needed to worry about.

"You fought an akuma and got knocked out," she said as he let his arm drop. "The civilian that you guys fought carried you here."

"Is that why you're crying? You're worried about me?"

She nodded, unsure of if she should be embarrassed while she tried to will her tears back into her eyes.

"I'm okay," he whispered, stunned. "I'm okay. I'm sorry, Marinette."

She tried to smile at him, hoping to be convincing when she said she believed him now that her tears had stopped. After a moment, his eyes widened like he had been struck with a frightening thought, and he scanned their surroundings.

"Is Ladybug here?"

Marinette shook her head, feeling guilty at the look of utter panic he shot her. "She said that you'll regroup in a few days and asked me to take care of you."

"So, she's okay, then? Do you know? Last I saw her-" He swallowed, trailing off.

"She's okay. She said you saved her life."

He laughed, wiping his eyes. "That's a bit of a stretch, Princess."

"Do you remember what happened?" she asked, unsure of how to reassure him without blowing her cover.

"Well, I don't think that guy was a big fan of my puns. He hit me pretty hard," he said wincing at the memory. "I think I was just knocked out-twice, actually. But I should be fine. I'm so glad she's okay. She scared the ever-loving shit out of me." He took a deep breath, wiping his eyes with a watery laugh, and she didn't stop herself from hugging him. When she pulled away, he faced her with a grateful grin.

"I'm glad it was you she asked to help me."

Marinette blushed and glanced away, unable to maintain eye contact when he was looking at her like that. Stupid boys. Stupid heartwarming wholesome glances that made her heart squeeze so much she wasn't sure she would ever breathe normally again. She wanted to hold him until his smile wasn't shaky anymore.

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