Ch 4: Sabrina be Crazy

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 No one could even tell that the blonde had been crying when they arrived in the classroom.

"Ah, how nice of you to show up Ms. Dup-what?"

Chloe beckoned Mrs. Bustier to lean over so she could whisper in her ear while Marinette took her seat.

"Oh. I'm glad everything is alright. I'll let the both of you off with a warning this time. Take your seat please."

Marinette glanced over at Chloe, confused, and her friend just shrugged and smiled.

"Hey!" Alex said, approaching Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien after class. "Are you guys coming to watch me and Kim race later?" She bounced on the balls of her feet, an arrogant smirk lighting up her face.

"Aw," Alya said. "I would but-"

Nino grinned mischievously and took her hand, gaining a goofy smile in return. "-we got plans," he finished.

"Sorry," Alya continued, looking back at Alex.

Alex grinned, amusement dancing clear as day on her face.

"That's alright. You guys have a good time. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Nino chuckled and pecked Alya on the cheek, whipped. Marinette snickered as the couple left.

"How about you guys?"

Marinette glanced at Adrien, excited at the prospect of seeing him outside of school.

"Yeah, I'm free," she said, smiling at Alex.

"Hell yeah! And you, Adrien?"

He pocketed his hands, closing off. "Uh, I'll have to see, sorry. My father doesn't typically let me go places after school."

"Ah, right." She nodded and smiled at him reassuringly. "I thought I'd ask anyway. I hope to see you there, but if not, I totally understand."

He smiled back, less tense. "I'll see what I can do." Alex thanked him, then ambled away to invite their other peers.

"Better go call my dad," he said, holding up his phone to Marinette. "Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Marinette said, his forlorn smile eating away at her. She hated that smile so much.


Marinette was delighted at how many people showed up at the park to watch Kim and Alex; the only people who were missing were Alya, Nino, and Adrien. Everywhere she looked, there was a friend who either carried a banner or a party popper. And, although her classmates were still hesitant to be friendly with Chloe, after Rose and Juleka did a little networking, the class decided to include her.

"On your mark...get seeeet...GO!" Chloe lifted her arm in a swinging motion as Kim darted and Alex rollerbladed down the track. Since Marinette had made the banner last time, it was her job to pull the party popper when someone crossed the finish line. On the last lap, Marinette readied herself as two bundles of ferocity came toward her. A crackled "POP" sounded in her ears when she snapped the party popper back, two sets of heavy feet crossing the finish line. Marinette couldn't help the high, sharp laugh that escaped her when she saw the looks on Kim's and Alex's faces.

"No!" Kim paused to pant. "Wait, I wasn't rea-"

"It's a tie!" Marinette announced, still snickering as she raised both arms with finality. Max fell to the floor melodramatically, holding out money as he sobbed into the grass, having lost his bet. Rose burst into a fit of victorious giggles, sticking out her tongue when she swiped the money from his soulless hands.

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