Kathy Left Me

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Hello and welcome to the second fanfiction of Bensler. I love them and just like writing about them. So have fun reading and don't forget to pass it on if you think someone else will love the book too. 


The clock ticked slowly as Elliot sat in his chair at his desk. It was past midnight and he was the only one still here. He didn't have anything to do, no extra paperwork, no leads to follow up on. In fact, things were a little ahead as far as cases go. They were really waiting on the M.E. and CSU to get back to them with labwork. All the canvassing was done and they were trying to piece together what had happened. It didn't happen like this often, but when it did, they usually took advantage of the calm before the storm.

However, why was Elliot still at the Station House? Simple fact that his apartment was empty. Kathy had left and taken the kids with her to live with her mother for a time while Elliot got his stuff out of the house. She wanted a divorce and there was no changing her mind. Even when they found out that she was pregnant with their fifth child, she didn't want to try again with him. She was officially done. 

She was about six month pregnant and at this time would not let him see the kids unless it was the weekend. Normally she would allow him to see the kids during the week if it was a bad case. However she was mad at him at the moment. Mad because he wasn't happy to be having a fifth child. 

In truth, he was happy to have another child, but he wished it was with Olivia. He's wanted to be with her since they first became partners almost nine years ago. They've flirted a little here and there, but they've never acted on their feelings. He was married. Now, though, he's free to chase after her. 

Elliot leaned back in his chair, staring at the clock on his computer tick by minute after minute. It was nearing one in the morning. He had to be here at eight sharp. He needed to get some sleep, but his empty apartment was way too loud for him. Maybe getting a few hours here in the cribs would be okay for him.

Groaning, he got up to head to the cribs. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket. A text from Liv. Hey, you up?

Yeah, why?

I just got a call. Meet me at Mercy.

He quickly grabbed his coat and keys, rushing for the elevator. Liv was already there, waiting when Elliot got there. He smiled at her as he walked up to her. "Hey, El. A woman was raped and beated in an alley a couple blocks from here."

He nodded and followed her to the room where the girl was waiting. Liv lead the interview and when they were done, Cragen had texted them to meet at the precinct. He lead the way to the car and told her he'd meet her at the house. 

Cragen greeted them when they stepped out of the elevator. "So, what do we got?"

Liv pulled out her notebook and read, "Yolanda Tyler, 25, raped and beated in an alley two blocks from Mercy Hospital. She has extensive bruising on her face and torso. Broken wrist and fractured optical bone. She said she was walking and a guy pushed her against the wall to rape her. When she screamed, he started beating her."

"Okay, Liv, call TARU, have them search the surrounding area for video. Elliot," Cragen looked at him, "Go take a nap in the cribs."

He walked away, leaving Elliot staring after him. Liv smiled and patted him on the shoulder as he passed her to head to the cribs. "Wake me in 30." She nodded and watched him disappear. 

He picked the cot in the far corner. To hide from the world as he tried to take a nap. All he could think about at the moment was Liv. Her smile, the feeling of her hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and sighed. He needed to calm down. He was getting excited. He turned to face the wall, hiding further from the world. 

"El, time to wake up." 

Elliot turned to the voice, her voice, and opened his eyes. She was hovering over him, smiling. "Hey," he muttered with a smirk. She laughed a little and rubbed his arm. 

He swung his legs over the side of the bed to sit up. Liv stepped back and let him stand up. He rubbed his eyes and blinks several times. "What's happened?"

"You've been out of it for about five hours. Captain told me to let you sleep." Liv shuffled her feet. Elliot nodded absentmindedly. 

"What about the case?" He asked, heading out of the cribs to the bathroom. He knew Liv would follow him. 

She sighed heavily. "We're trying to find the guy, he works at a bodega close to the crime scene, but no dice yet. Cragen said we might have to send a UC to flush him out." 

Elliot stopped at the door to the bathroom. They exchanged looks. He knew who they would send as a UC, and he didn't like it at all. What if she got hurt? He wouldn't forgive himself. He cleared his throat and entered the bathroom. Liv followed and hung around the door while Elliot went to a stall. "How do you feel about that?" 

Liv didn't respond right away, making Elliot think that she had slipped out without her knowing. However, she responded a few moments later, "I don't know, but I really don't have a choice if they do decide on a UC."

After flushing, he stepped out of the stall, zipping his pants up, staring at Liv. She stared at him, then her eyes trailed to his hands around his zipper. They stood there for a moment, before Liv jolted as if she had been electrocuted. Elliot washed his hands quickly and they left the bathroom. Fin, was walking to them. He stopped when he saw them both leave the bathroom, a questionable look on his face. 

"What?" Elliot asked. 

Fin shook his head, not wanting to touch whatever that was. He went into the bathroom while Elliot and Liv went to their desks. He groaned as he sat down. A small pile of paperwork had accumulated while he was asleep. As he tried to start his paperwork, Cragen came over to their desks. 

"Elliot, Liv, I got permission to send in a UC. Liv is set to start tomorrow morning." Elliot and Liv looked at each other. This was it. 

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