Chapter 1

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I can feel the medicine doing its job in my body.

I can't feel as much pain in my legs, or my back.

It's as though my memories just all escaped out of my brain.

I don't know who I am.

I don't know where I am.

I don't know what happened.

But I'm here, laying in this bed, feeling slightly better than before, since the medicine has helped my pain.

The medicine felt cold and refreshing as it was mixed with tap water before the doctor made me drink it.

But it also had this tangy, bitter taste to it, if it wasn't for the refreshing water, it would have been disgusting.

I try to sit up without hurting myself more.

They said that they didn't know exactly what happened.

All they know is that I was close to death, and bleeding internally.

They sure fixed me up, these doctors and nurses are legends.

I am no longer bleeding, but I still feel horrible pain and I have to take the medicine to stop the aching.

The medicine has helped me a lot, physically and mentally.

I don't know if I have parents, but if I do, then I wish they were here.

I wish someone would tell me who I am, or where I am.

I wish someone would tell me what happened and if I have a family.

I wish I could just get better and get out of this place, get back to my normal life, if I even had one.

Do you know what I mean?

I just woke up a couple hours ago, and just took the medicine half an hour ago.

I've just been laying here, staring at the ceiling for ages, waiting.

Waiting for what?

Waiting for answers to all my questions, waiting for the medicine to completely kick in, so I can stop feeling all this pain.

It feels as though my whole body is torn and shredded to pieces.

It probably is.

I hear this ringing noise in my ears.

I've been hearing it ever since I woke up.

And I haven't talked since I woke up either.

I don't know what my own voice sounds like.

But I don't want to talk, my throat is dry and aching like all hell.

I think I might be deaf, but I don't know how or why.

I don't know for sure though, since I no one around me has been talking ever since I woke up before.

All the doctors did was rush into the room when they heard the heartbeat monitor beeping like crazy.

And then they stared at me for a while.

And then a nurse came and checked my temperature and checked something off on a piece of paper.

I think it might say my name on the paper hanging on the end of my bed.

I can't be bothered, and I hurt too much, to even think about looking at it.

I know I would finally find out my name, but what about my other memories?

The memories I've lost probably go to an area in space where they meet all the other lost memories.

Who knows?

An overwhelming feel of tiredness sweeps itself all over me.

My muscles were already hurting and tired before, but I just feel like I could fall asleep any moment now.

I don't want to go to sleep.

What if I never ever wake up again?

What if I just slept forever, and I never woke up again.

Maybe people don't actually die, maybe they just sleep forever.

I don't want to die.

Not now, not ever really.

I'm scared of what will happen when I die.

Am I supposed to be dead already, from whatever happened to me?

I'm not sure.

Someone else will have the answer to that.

But for now, I need sleep.

No I don't exactly need sleep, because I've been sleeping for days.

I feel like I should go to sleep now though.

Like, it's my job to fall asleep now.

I hope I wake up.q��

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