Chapter 47: The Art Of The Silent Fist

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In Ninjago, P.I.X.A.L. extracts Golden Power Lloyd used on a Security Mech. "Initializing power transference. Extracting Golden Power. Standby for physical somatic download".

"Yes. Yes!" The overlord Receives the golden power but it isn't enough "It's not enough! I need more of the boy's power if I'm ever to be freed from this digital prison! I'm fed up with pathetic mortal bodies. I want my own back. Find me more power! Find me the Golden Ninja!" He yelled angrily. P.I.X.A.L told the overlord "By my computation, your primary duty should be finding the Techno Blades. They are the only things that can—" The Overlord cut her off "Those ninjas don't even know what they already possess. I want the Golden one.". P.I.X.A.L shows cameras over Ninjago City and zero sight of the ninja "Nindroids have no current visual on him."

"They just don't know where to look" He turns to Wu, who is strapped down to a table. "I'll never tell you where they're hiding" Wu uttered. "You might not but your memories will" The overlord makes a blue light orb and shoots it and Wu's forehead searching his memories. "It tickles." Wu chuckles. "It's only a matter of time until your mind tells me everything." The Overlord says

"Never!" Wu Laughs 

Meanwhile, Anna and Ninja found a hiding spot and hid their vehicles with leaves.

"Aah. This is a perfect place to lay low. No robots, no cameras, no problems." Lloyd remarked "Still, if any aerial drones pass overhead, you better wear this" Nya tosses him a Techno gi. "It will scramble their signal so they can't find you". Lloyd goes behind a tree to change. "Yeah, this is sweet."

"Lloyd?" A familiar voice called out. Lloyd saw Misako "Mom?" They both embrace. "Oh. What are you all doing here?" Misako asked in a nice tone.

 "The Overlord's back and has fallen under his control. He has Sensei Wu" Lloyd said.

 "Wu's tough. There's a reason he's lived as long as he has." Misako reassured. Lloyd tries to change the subject " Well, where's Dad?".

"Yeah, where's Lord Garmadon?" Kai asked skeptical. 

"He no longer goes by Lord. Here, he is Sensei Garmadon and he won't be back until this evening's lesson" Said Misako. "Uh, did you just say Sensei Garmadon?" Jay uttered though Anna could perfectly recall that it was just unbelievable. "I'm glad he's on our side now. With Sensei Wu gone, we could use the help" Zane said. "Wu is not Gone. he's just in the Overlord's hostage" Anna reminded

 "Come in, but your weapons are not allowed" Misako and the ninja make their way to the dojo "Ever since Lloyd saved his father, Garmadon has sworn an oath to never fight in the hope of making up for his evil past. It's an oath he takes very seriously." Misako explained.

 "So that's why we can't take our weapons," Anna said and looked back at her teammates who are with Technoblades. they aren't shaped but they are shaped weapon-like. 

"But we were supposed to protect these with our lives." Kai augured.

 "And never let them out of our sight" Jay added. "You guys go on ahead, I will stay back and watch over them," Zane said and The ninja gave him their Techno Blades and thanked him for looking after the blades.

 Anna could see Zane sigh as he watched the others leave for Garmadon's monastery. She felt kind of guilty. Misako guides the ninja to where Sensei Garmadon Dojo is and sees many kids, Anna's heartbeat stops for a moment. Because of her 'Teaching experience,' She was terrified of kids especially when they were in groups. Luckily for her, she wasn't teaching anything. She was tossed back to reality when a girl said "Pass the ball to me. Yeah". Kai catches their ball. They run up to the ninja. "Ah, at least there are some places left in this world where I'm still considered cool," Cole says walking toward them. Kai tries to give their ball back, but the kids run up to Lloyd instead, shoving Anna from his side. "Oh, wow!" One of them said. "It's the Green Ninja" Another one exclaimed. 

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