chapter six - divorce, really?!

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The next morning it was around 3a.m. when Heather had packed her things up and ready to leave when Matsukawa came downstairs in his boxers to see her packing up.

"Leaving so soon? Without signing the divorce papers?"

"Issei, I-I thought we were still so in love with each other!! You can't divorce me carrying your child!!"

She told him very mad she was at him.

"Heather, that child is not mine. Cordelia is carrying my child you have your ex-boyfriend's child."

"... yeah. So is this our last goodbye?"

"Yup. Goodbye Heather."

Matsukawa said with no emotion to her trying not to laugh when Cordelia came walking downstairs with his hoodie on leaning against him.

"I'm coming love, need me?"

"Mmmn, I need you now~ on the staircase."

"Gosh lia, you want to fuck on the staircase? Damn no remorse?"


Cordelia said with a smirk but that smirk was kissed right off from Matsukawa and picked up by him.

"Issei~ aghhh! Mmmh~ that feeels so aghhh~"

"Your moans are too cute when it's at 3a.m. damn baby."

Matsukawa said when Heather left and closed the door behind her then Cordelia was kissing him again up the stairs and both fell in front of their bedroom to have sex there.

Later that day...

It was around 5a.m. when Tooru called Cordelia's phone which she groaned a bit then answered the call.

Tooru Iwaizumi😭😱 is calling...

"Hey Tooru, what's up? Why are you calling me at 5a.m.?"

"Hey, we're on our way to the hospital our daughter can't wait to be born so we're stuck in traffic. Are you both coming to see her?"

"Huh? Uhh yeah, we'll be there in a few minutes Issei just helped me through my heat."

"Ah okay. See you soon then. Hajime!!!"

"Are they still tired?"

"Tobio fell back asleep next to me Hajime's doing alright being the caring Alpha and husband he is."

When their call ended then Cordelia felt movement from behind her and looked at Issei who gave her a sly smile.

"What? What are you smiling like that for? Issei!!! Come on, get up we have to get ready they'll be waiting for us."

"Tooru's giving birth?"

"Mhm. They're on the way to the hospital."

Once they got dressed and ready to leave their house to be on the road for the hospital.

When they arrived they saw their friends in the waiting room some were trying to calm Tobio down who wanted to scream their heads off.

"Uh hi guys, we came right on time. Is Tooru in labor?"

Cordelia asked when Himari came on time to give Cordelia a big hug and to congratulate on her being married to Matsukawa and being pregnant.

Though when Akari came out to let both thr husbands come to see Tooru holding their daughter.

"Tooru, hey princess how are you feeling?"

"Hajime, she's here our little girl.. our Towako."

Tooru said with a smile on his face while the tears were running down on his face when Hajime sat on the chair holding his daughter in his arms.

"She's perfect Tooru, gosh I love you."

Hajime said before seeing Tooru tearing up a lot at that.

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