Châptęř 1, Thę Cüřsę

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It is 2:05 AM on a rainy Saturday morning where all of the sides are asleep. Well...almost all the sides: the "beloved" Roman was awake and excruciatingly bored. He already finished all his work, done all the available safe quests and checked up on Thomas's dreams while making sure nothing went wrong while hiding it under the façade that he made to make them think he is simply going on one giant quest. The others have yet to see him for multiple weeks because of said reason. However, he still did not want to go talk to them yet.

Roman sighed softly and decided to go on a stroll in the imagination. Thus, he stood up from his desk, where he was previously writing down any idea that came to him, and silently went into the hallway, tiptoeing his way towards the imagination.

It put him in a forest so he immediately began walking around.

And after a few minutes Roman walks in on his "enemy", the dragon witch, picking flowers. It doesn't seem like she noticed him yet, so Roman didn't want to alert her.

But, he was curious as to why she is there, so he decides to pay attention to what flowers she is picking. Cardinals, Dianthus, Seseli libanotis, Lily of the valley and Bat Orchids. Huh, those flowers has the colors he and his brother clothes that they wear in front of Thomas! It is also odd how those flowers are all together, but the imagination doesn't follow nature's rules.

Anywho, it doesn't take long for the dragon witch to notice Roman and a fight began. During said fight the dragon witch mumbled a spell: "Fieri interiorem animalis" (I used Google Translate for this, so it might be wrong) and Roman could only continue fighting for a few more minutes before passing out.

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