Châptęř 3, Whât's ňęxt?

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It was quite boring, but at least it didn't take long before the others started to wake up. Remus was naturally already awake went off to create chaos a while ago. Patton was the second person awake, 7:30am, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I can only assume that when Logan woke up that he went straight gay to working. Perhaps he might look through my ideas and actually think one of them are good enough! I don't really care about what Janus does, but I know he left his room at 9am and went downstairs to Patton.

Virgil is always the last one up and could wake up from 10am to 2pm, and it just turned 11am. You may be wondering "Roman what were you doing this whole time?" Well to answer your question: Nothing. I was just staring outside, and I will continue doing so until I'm needed, for once.

...Why am I talking to myself in my head? There's nobody here that can read the thoughts of others.


I got up at about noon to get some breakfast after waking up and scrolling on Tumblr for 20 minutes. The house was quiet, as it always is while Roman is out on a quest. I'm getting kinda worried, he's been gone for longer than usual.

I get downstairs pretty quickly and Patton is busy decorating some cookies he made. Deceit is washing the dishes. Why was he here? Why is Patton okay with him being here? Why is he letting him be here? Hm, I'll ask him about it after I make sure Roman is okay.

Patton greets me once he sees me and shows me my breakfast he kept warm for me, so I obviously thank him and go eat it. I decided to ask him a question, "Hey Patt? Princey has never been gone for this long; shouldn't we go check on him?"

Patton just shrugged and smiled, "You know how Roman is kiddo, he's probably just busy exploring after finishing his mission! He will be fine; he's capable of looking after himself."


However, even with Patton's small bit of reassurance, Virgil still felt like something happened to the princely character and said feeling might drive the emo to being the first side to enter Roman's room. He might be surprised by what he finds inside.

He lasted about an hour worrying before setting off to Roman's room. Virgil knocks, obviously, waiting for a response.


I couldn't hear anything for another few minutes before I hear something and knock again. This time getting a response of "Come in Tormentoso! (Stormy [Says Google Translate])" from the inside. A new nickname? Really? How many of those does he have for me?

I enter the creative side's room. It doesn't look that different than what I expected it to look: There are a few Disney posters on the walls, with decorative stars around it, the posters looks like some sort of centerpiece; there's a glass door to a balcony across from his bed; in the left corner is walk-in closet; Roman's bed seems like a normal single bed and not a king sized one, neat

Wait, why am I looking at Roman's stuff? I'm here to check up on Roman, not look around.

That's when I noticed that Roman was watching him with an odd curiosity that I've never seen from him before while lying on his bed. Okay that makes it seem like I never saw Roman curious before, I did, but this is different...sorta. This time Roman seems different, even if he's doing everything the same as he usually would.

R: Do you need something?

I decide to close his door behind me, "Nope, just wanted to check up on you."

He sits up, "Oh? Was the great Virgil worried about me~?"

V: Can't I be worried about you, Princey?

R: You are! I was just teasing a bit. You never check in on me.

V: Well you're one of the most stubborn people here, you would deny and hide things like you being insecure-

A growl-like sound comes from Roman as he interrupts me, "I am not insecure!"

V: See? You also interrupt people a bit too much.

R: What's the point of highlighting everything that is wrong with me?

I just shrug at him. "How long have you been here?"

R: Not long, only a few hours.

V: Then why haven't you done something yet?

Roman sighs, "Couldn't think of anything, my mind has been drawing a blank for the whole time I was here and I finished most tasks I could do while here."

I go silent to think of something.

R: Virge? Are you okay?

V: Yeah, wanna binge some movies? Maybe all the Disney ones?

Something in Roman's hair seemed to jump up as he heard the word Disney, weird. "YES!! Which ones are we going to start with though? I have all of them! I even have some Pixar movies and a nice big TV!"

V: I don't see any TVs here, Ro.

"That's because this is bed-mode." Roman snaps and the whole room begins to shift, it becomes a bit darker as well. His bed, closet and balcony are gone and got replaced by a giant TV on the wall and some comfy looking bean bags and pillows. The floor even changed to a fluffy carpet so anybody can comfortably lay on it, if they wanted to. "I know it is very plain, but I've never had anybody to show this place to before."

V: You can't call this room plain if you have this big of a TV. Plus, it looks comfortable so why does it matter?

R: You have a point, now are we going alphabetically or chronological with when they came out or when they happen or-

V: Princey chill, Let's just start with the Black Cauldron and continue with the alphabet and stuff.

"Alrighty then! The Black Cauldron it is!" Roman walks over to where the remote for the TV was and put the movie on. Then he got comfy on the floor, I sat down next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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