Châptęř 2, Tıřęđ

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Roman was asleep for over two hours, which makes it the longest he has even consecutively been asleep! However, this story continues when he woke up as the sky started becoming lighter, it's right before sunrise.

The problem is: Roman promised to be home by sunrise today, as he wrote on the note he placed on the outside of his door. Thus, Roman quickly sank to his room to avoid any suspicion considering his brother tends to wake up and enter the imagination at around this hour.

Roman felt as if something was off, different. The dragon witch must have done something to his body! But he knew that he wasn't injured as he would've felt the burn by now, or the blood flowing, and he doesn't feel the sensation of residual magic on him.

He takes a quick glance at himself in his mirror, he seems normal except for a tail... since when did he have a tail? He spins a bit to get a better look at it; he knows he looks like an moron for doing so. However, the spinning did help him to see that the tail was those of a lizard, but it was covered with some feathery fluff? Or fluffy feathers, he doesn't know the difference, honestly.

He also notices how it sounds like his hearing is coming from elsewhere: on the top of his head to be more precise.

"I wonder..." he said as he feels through his hair, he felt two ears, weirdly soft and pointy at the end. The first one he touched twitched, he definitely felt the touching. "This is fine-," Roman said sarcastically to himself, "I only have a tail and non-human ears!"

He sighs and starts to think of a way he could possibly hide these new characteristics. Eventually he decides to stand up and tuck the tail into his pants and looks into his mirror once more to see if it looks odd and if his ears are noticeable at all. They're barely peeking through his hair, so a bit of fluffing should hide them better.

"Is that what the spell was?" He thought. "What even am I?"

Luckily, the other light sides (+ Virgil) were still asleep so nobody knew anything, yet. 

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