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Two of Jemi's friends entered.

"Suadeekhab P'Jeff. Suadeekhab P'Bib."

"Oh.. Jean.. Kung.. suadee."

"Ah.. Jemi already told us everything." Jean said.

"Humm.. I need your help to find the person. We have to sort out this problem. And.."

"P'Jeff.. actually.. Kung wants to tell you guys something. Go."

"P' ... I.. I was with Jemi that night... This is my child.."

"Kung! You!.." Jemi burst out.

"I'm sorry. But.. I love you, Jemi. I wanted to tell you but you already engaged to P'Bib. I didn't mean to do all this. When you unconsciously kissed me.. I couldn't hold back. I wanted to confess but you were gone.. Jemi.. I love you. I really do. For a long time... Can you please give me a chance?"

This situation is complicated. But I have to do something.

"Kung.. you sure you can take good care of my sister?"


"Jemi.. talk with Kung. Figure out what you want to do."

We excused ourselves.


Kung went to Jemi.

"Jemi I'm sorry."

"I hate you! Idiot! Why didn't you tell me that you love me?! Why?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what you think about me not even wanted our friendship to end. Please forgive me. I love you."

"Who are you to decide what I think or not... maybe I would accept. But you tight-lipped idiot! go away!!"

Kung hugged Jemi who's still crying. He placed a kiss on her forehead then wiped away her tears.

"Will you marry me, Miss?"

"No.. I won't marry an idiot!"

Jemi and Kung are arguing.


We were watching them from outside.

"She looks happy. I think he can take good care of her and their child."

"Humm... Now I can relax. At least the guilt carried away."

Bib holds my hand.

"Now... Will you marry me, beautiful?"

"You forgot that our parents don't know anything. What about your parents? Will they accept me?"

"Of course they will."


Our family members gather together. I invited Vegas and Kung. We have to clear things up.

We confessed everything. My relationship with Bib, my break up with Vegas, Jemi's pregnancy.

Our parents are shocked as expected.

"This young generation makes everything so complicated. Anyway.. we don't want to interrupt in this. You guys decide whomever you wanted to stay with. We're happy as long as you are." My Pa said.

"My friend is right. As for Bible and Jeff's relationship.. we don't have any objections. We would love to have a son-in-law." Bib's Pa said.

Their acceptance make us overwhelmed. I didn't expect that everything will turned like this. Bib holds my hand in front everyone and proposed me.

"Will you marry me, Jeff Satur?"

I feel shy and nervous as well.

"Come on Hia. Stop blushing. Say yes!"


Everyone laughed. I nodded to him who was waiting for my answer.


Within a few days everyone arranged our wedding. Bib & I and Jemi & Kung.

It feels like a dream. Every steps I take towards him making me more nervous. Once I saw him from far but today he's just in front of me holding my hand.

He's now becoming the essential part of my life.

We repeat our verses one after another. We exchanged our rings. He pulled me closer then kissed me in front of everyone.

I looked at him. He smiled. The memories of our first meeting flashed in front of my eyes when I fell into his arms like this.

Little did I expect that day that I would fall for my brother-in-law.

Now I wish to see him like this for my whole life.

Vegas and Kim are here to cheer us. I'm glad that I got them. 

Time for photoshoot. We captured our best moments.

While everyone is enjoying their food we went to the terrace. Where Bib first confessed to me.

He kissed me then placed our foreheads together.

He holds my hand and whispered.

"I love you."

"I love you more."



I think finishing this story here will be good. I didn't want to make it complex.

I just wanted to portray a simple love story between two in a little complicated circumstance.


Sometimes we can't control our heart. It follows its own direction. But we shouldn't deny its needs every time.

People say happiness is laying in others' happiness but it's not true. To seek your own happiness if sometimes you have to become selfish then go on. Happiness is also laying in ourselves.

Life is short. So try to live it fullest. Don't hurt others but seek your own peace.


I hope everyone enjoyed this story. Thanks for supporting it this far.

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