First day

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Q pov


"Fucking alarms! DAMN!!" I sighed, groggily, slamming my hand on the stop button. I hopped out of bed and trudged over to my closet, picking out some school clothes. My old school shut down because the teachers weren't treating the kids right, expecting more than they should and yelling insults at them if they got something wrong.  Sometimes they would even physically abuse us.

I eventually ended up with a shirt, a blue zip up jacket, my bennie and some black jeans. As I walked down the stairs I heard the front door shut but I just assumed it was my mom leaving for work. 


I arrived at the bus a bit early. Huh, that never happens. Siting down at the bench I started drawing. I was never the artistic type but my mom signed me up for art camp last summer. It was honestly more fun than I expected.

Soon enough the buss puled up. I climbed on and walked to the back. It was pretty much my seat by now. No one else sat here.


The bus came to a halt. It was picking up some more passengers. I noticed only one of them, a tall, attractive, brunette with glasses.  He was wearing a yellow sweat-shirt and a white under shirt with a brown trench coat. The thing that caught my attention was the fact that he had a white streak in his hair.

"Mind if i sit here?"

{239 words}Hope u have a wonderful day/night [b-cuz I know there are 3 am readers out there >:)] make sure to eat something and drink some water today. See you soon!! ;)

Yes I know I'm late to the fandom but who gives a shit. \_('-')_/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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