11. a terible prank.

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After 2 hours.

Krishna opened his eyes only to find himself snuggled into his dau's arms who had fallen asleep, with his head resting on the post of the bed.

He slowly slipped out of balaram's arms, careful not to disterbe him and jently pulled his brother into a Lying position.

He then placed a small kiss on his brother's forehead and went off to get ready for the day ahead.


Arjun who had woken early that day , took his bow as usual, wrapping his uttariya titely around him to prevent the cold winds of the early dawn.

The sun had not risen yet and it was still dark.

He walked to the training grounds and started his practise for the day.

He blindfolded himself as usual and only relied on sound.

He aimed at the target and had his entire focus on the target. Before he could Shoot, another arrow Whistled. Passed himand hit the target. Arjun was surprised. He knew without even opening his eyes who it was.

"angraj karn?".

Arjun exclaimed , removing his blindfold, to see surprise on the other ones face as well.

"how did you know it was me, rajkumar?"".

Karn asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"you are the only one who can see in the dark after me and madhav.".

Arjun said in a matter of fact tone.

"oh". Karn said and smiled. "would you mind practising with me today?". Karn asked and arjun didn't know why, his heart jumped with joy.

"why not? Sure, angraj".

Arjun said and karn frouned.

"call me by my name, rajkumar. No need to add that address of angraj before it.".

Arjun smiled and said, " you too,. Call me by my name. you are elder to me, so, can I call you bhrata?

Bhrata karn?

Karn felt his heart skip a beet as he herd the word from arjun. "bhrata". He whispered and a smile formed on his sun like face as he nodded Fondly.

Meanwhile, arjun felt an unknown emotion in his heart. As if his heart and soul had longed to call karn by that adression, Bhrata.

As if they knew each other. He felt like he was with one of his brothers. he felt the warmth and love of his jyesht yudhishtir, his bhrata' bhim'ssoft aura behind his strength, , his nakul's and sahadev's innocence, everything at once.


As arjun and karn finished their practise, both went and sat on the bench kept in the grounds.

"bhrata karn, you know?? Yesterday bhrata bhim was smiling like a creep because bhrata Duryodhana had complemented his coocking Style". Arjun said, excitement clear in his voice.

"oh really? Why do the 2 fight most of the time?". karn asked.

" we don't know. From the time we had arrived back to Hastinapur, we were Hated by uncle dritarashtr , gandharraj Shakuni and all the 100 brothers.

Or so we felt. We were treated like second class citizens of a country. Jyesht has some virtue and morality in him so they weren't dead by now. . as soon as we had stepped in to the gates of the palace, we saw pitamaha and uncle vidurar standing out to welcome us with queen Gandhari and maharaj dritarashtr. The 100 brothers were there as well. Gandharraj whispered something to bhrata Duryodhana and he glared at us so hard that the twins who were young at that time were in tears. I too was confused.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now