Sean Kinney 1

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An: Omgg so this is what starts it! I am so excited to start writing (: Also, Sean Kinney is my favorite person EVER so any asks abt him will be appreciated.

Word count: 2736

Tw: Didn't reread so mistakes will be made, smut, fem! reader, groupie situation, super fluffy tho.


I skimmed through my closet, trying to find something decent to wear after being unsuccessful with the floor clothing. "God, can you just pick something already?" she paused for a moment to bring her eyes from the zine she was skimming over to me "we're gonna get sweaty and worn out anyway, you don't need to look nice". I sighed, swinging my head her way dramatically to see her smirking. She knew why I was trying to look nice, and I did too, even if I didn't want to admit it.

Ever since Facelift released a year ago I had loved it, even before it got traction from MTV streaming it. It shot up from just 40,000 copies sold to 400,000, and I know I was ATLEAST one of the first 10,000 to buy it. I love all of the band, of course, but one member stood out from the rest, and not just because I was a drummer myself. As soon as I saw Sean for the first time, I haven't been able to free myself of his devastatingly fierce hold since. Not only is he a killer drummer, but he's got killer looks, too. But, back to the matter at hand-

"Umm, hey? Are you there?" Molly yelled as she threw a shoe at me. I flinched out of the way just in time, barely dodging the heel-of-all-destruction. I glared at her irritatingly, more of the emotion filling my face as she began to laugh. Finally, looking in my closet one last time, I picked out a black tank top with lace at the top and ends to go along with the baggy jorts and worn out converse I was wearing. Yeah, you could see my bra from it, but so what? It was expensive, and no shit I was wearing a bra, whether you could see it or not. No harm done.

Adding some last minute touches to my makeup, I grabbed my bag and Molly's hand before running to the door. I hopped in the drivers side of my old pickup truck while she rode shotgun, picking out a cd for us to listen to. "Hey, Mother Love Bone or Louder Than Love by Soundgarden?" She inquired. "Do I have to choose?" I asked exasperatedly. "Yes, I gave you two options out of the 40 in here." she giggled. "Fine, put on some Soundgarden. MLB is great, but not the mood I'm going for". She put the cd in while I drove to Wendy's. The venue was only 15-20 minutes away depending on traffic, so we figured we could get some food in before basically sweating it all out.

"Oh my god, are you as excited as me?" I asked through bites. Molly's face could barely handle her smile, so I knew she was as ready for this concert as me. To make matters 10x better, we both got backstage passes. We quickly finished our food before hitting the road once more.

I looked up at the stage vacant of people from a floor that was holding up something-thousand pounds of humans. There was background music booming from speakers to keep the crowd entertained while the crew and band members got ready, but I don't know how much longer anybody could take. About 12 minutes later, my ears pierced from the sound of screaming as the four men walked into position. A toothy smile erupted onto my face, eyes landing on a specific one.

Every member was enchanting in their own way, but it was hard to not focus on Sean when his muscles flexed so nicely with every hit. He had glanced at my a few times during short breaks between each song so far, a glisten I couldn't describe in his eyes. If I was delusional (I am), I would almost mistaken it as curiosity and want.

The rest of the concert went by in an exciting blur, amd before I knew it it was time to head backstage. Molly decided she was gonna get a taxi home instead of going backstage, but she left me with some words of encouragement for help with a certain drummer of whom I'm fond of. Taking a deep breath, I began walking towards the big "BACKSTAGE" sign.

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