Jerry Cantrell 1

31 0 0

Tw: Gender not specific but written with fem! reader in mind, you're shorter than him but I feel like most people are lol, nakedness. Other than that, just fluff I felt like writing bc it's snowing a lot outside (:

Word count: 1,063


I rushed inside, relief rushing through me due to our heating system. It was -2° (Fahrenheit) outside, so despite the fact we were bundled up, we were still completely frozen. Jerry followed behind me shortly, locking the door and taking his hood down and hat off. By the time he was doing this I was already stripped down to the normal clothes I had on underneath my layers when he began. I unlaced my boots and walked into the living room to turn the TV on for some background noise before heading down the hallway to our shared bedroom.

I closed the door behind me to change in peace, but it wasn't long before I heard the heavy footsteps of my boyfriend treading towards our bedroom. I finished, putting on a tank top baggy sweats right when he knocked on the door before heading in. "Wow, you already look comfortable. Lucky." he said to me, chuckling and walking towards the dresser. I giggled a bit and made a smooch sound before heading out of the room back into our living area.

It took me a while to find something I really wanted to watch before settling on some mediocre movie I hadn't heard about. Why didn't cable ever have something good going?  The thought remained in my mind, before the seat next to me dipped and I felt an arm go around my shoulders. I immediately reciprocated the affection, snuggling into the warm body next to me. He leaned down to kiss my head, eyes still on the TV. "Hey, are you hungry?" I inquired. It was about 9:00 PM and we hadn't made anything for supper yet, so I figured he must have been as hungry as I was. "Yeah, actually. I wanted to say something but didn't feel like getting up to make anything, so I kept my mouth shut." He joked. I laughed before pushing the recliner down and heading towards the kitchen, hearing him following me.

"Ok, these are our options..." I murmured whilst looking throughout the display of cans that had occupied our cabinets. "Canned SpaghettiOs, canned ravioli, canned chili..." Jerry said from behind me quietly. "So, lots of diverse picks." He finished. I looked behind me to give him a look, making him smile and put his hands up defensively, before turning back. "I think I'm in the mood for some chili and cheese. How does that sound?" I asked, not waiting for an answer before pulling out two cans. "That sounds fine with me, babe. As long as I don't have to cook the food tonight." He confessed. I grinned at him, telling him that he would have to make something tomorrow, causing a sour expression to form on his pretty features. I laughed a bit before pushing him out of the kitchen. I always preferred to be alone while preparing food, for some reason. Maybe it's because everyone always knew to stand directly where I needed something...

I stood on my tiptoes to reach the bowls in the cabinet, almost stumbling. I sank back down onto my feet and sat the bowls next to the stove then got some shredded cheese from the fridge. I springled a whole bunch into the chili, not knowing when enough cheese is enough. I finally mixed it around with the ladle before evenly dispersing it into the bowls. I turned the stove off before grabbing two paper towels, two spoons, and heading to the living room.

There was a horror movie on the TV, and although I had an affinity for horror, I hadn't seen this one yet. Was it new? I had heard some people talking about a movie called "The Silence of the Lambs", so I assumed this was it. I pecked Jerry's nose as I sat the chili down in his hands that laid on his lap. He gave me a sweet smile and murmured a kind "Thank you, babe." before blowing on his spoon and eating. I carefully climbed onto the recliner-couch and popped out the footrest to eat.

We ate with each other for about 15 minutes before he collected our bowls and napkins to put in the sink and throw away. Once he sat back down on the couch, I snuggled into his chest while one of his arms wrapped around me and the other went to pull a blanket over us. The soothing touches and rubs his fingers left on my skin didn't go unnoticed by me, and I hummed in content. He placed a kiss on my forehead and turned the volume on the TV down a bit to fit the calm setting around us. Well, as calm as it could be with a horror movie playing. On some parts, we snuggled closer to each other, if that was possible. By the time the movie was over we were ready for bed, but we knew we were dirty, so he offered to hop in the shower together, and I (of course) gladly accepted.

Yes, we were naked with each other, but we weren't in the mood to take anything farther than scrubbing each other's bodies and leaving a few sweet kisses along the way. His hands gently rubbed a soaped-up washcloth along the curves of my body, and once he finished, I reciprocated it with an equal gentleness lingering in my touch. His tall figure loomed over mine while he wrapped his arms around my stomach and pressed gentle kisses on my soaking head. I smiled, letting my hands grab his arms in acknowledgment. Our shower finished and we headed into our room to change, but we went back to the washroom to brush our teeth. 

He cuddled me from behind, arms wrapped around my frame. His lips placed sleepy kisses onto the back of my head, and I'm surprised I could feel them. I was at peace, until his hands started to wander. I giggled and gently slapped his hands away, mumbling a "not tonight, t'tired". He chuckled, giving up and placing one last kiss onto me before wishing me a goodnight. I smiled and whispered one back, letting my eyelids fall into each other.

signed 01/14/24

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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