chapter one - Dad, can I have a sibling?

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One winter's morning it was around 2a.m. Hajime and Tooru were fast asleep in their master bedroom cuddling when their seven year old daughter came in their bedroom.

She walked to her father's side of the bed to ask him something quickly in a whispered voice trying to not wake her mother up.

"Dad? I have something to ask you.. can I have a sibling?"

Towako asked her father who was now looking at his seven year old daughter trying to process what she asked him.

"What? You want a sibling?"

"Yeah, can you ask mommy if I can get a sibling or two? My friends are getting siblings either a brother or sister from their parents."

"I'll talk to your mother tomorrow Towako. I promise. Now get to bed."

"Thanks daddy!"

She said to her father and ran back to her bedroom and got in her bed falling asleep again.

"Ugh! Tooru, she wants a sibling."

"Mmn, my heats approaching tomorrow morning so maybe then. I'm tired so we can talk about this during my heat."

"Alright sweetheart, she's seeing that her friends are receiving either a brother or a sister or even both."

"Mmh, that so? Fine. We can give her a sibling tomorrow morning. You'll just have to call your sister to tell her to come fetch Towako."

"I know that. Tooru, hey. You okay?"

"Mhm, I'm fine. Is it Kiko?"

"Yeah it's Kiko her best friend is getting a baby brother in four months during Christmas time."

Hajime said when Tooru got closer to kiss Hajime on his lips in a slow kiss that was soon replaced with a quick make out session.

"Mmh~ Hajime. That tickles!"

"Sssh, later baby right now we can go back to sleep it's only 2a.m. ssh."

When they went back to sleep then later at 5a.m. Tooru woke up to his legs feeling weak and in between leaking very bad.

"Hajime, call your sister now. It's starting!!"

"Hmn, alright alright. Just give me a sec to tell coach I won't be there at work."

When Hajime told coach he won't come in for work since his lover started his heat and he agreed and told Hajime to come in when his heat is over.

Himari Iwaizumi😘😎 is calling...

"Hey Onii-san, you called for what?"

"Uh this is important. Tooru has started his heat now and I need you to come fetch Towako from our place?"

"Sorry, I'm busy and I got sick."

"Ah, then Haruki?"

"Yeah, maybe ask her."

Haruki Bokuto😂🔞 is calling...

"Hey Hajime! How's everything there? Why'd you call at 5a.m.?"

"Hey, it's alright Tooru started his heat now and I need you to come fetch Towako her bags are packed."

"We're on the way actually with our little girl you know Kiyomi she's excited to see her friend again. Kiyomi baby, calm down for me and daddy."

"She sure is excited to see our little girl. I'll go get her up."

When they ended the call and Hajime saw that she was dressed and ready with her bags waiting for her friend Kiyomi Bokuto.

Dad!!! | Iwaoi | storyWhere stories live. Discover now