chapter three - mom... I'm an omega

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Though right now it was still like 1a.m. when Tooru woke up feeling his boys kicking against him softly.

"sigh you both sure are excited to see mommy daddy and your big sister soon. Don't give me trouble."

Tooru was talking to his boys which Hajime found quite adorable when Hajime looked at Tooru with his eyes open.

"Haji, they were-"

"I know, I know. We'll see how tomorrow goes Towako has school and I'm back at work you'll be okay at home?"

"Mmh. I don't want trouble like with my mother sending the assistant back to our place again to harass me and end up trying to have sex."

"That won't happen you hear me. I'll make sure that not an Alpha or an Omega touches you."

Tooru loved it when Hajime used his Alpha voice it gave him a turn on during his heats.

"How are our boys doing this morning?"

"Kicking softly against mommy. Just being so cute against mommy excited to come and show their faces to the world."

"Hmm, I'm sure they'll be as excited as they are to come out and show their faces to see their big sister."

"She's excited to be a big sister. But I'm so happy to have my three kids with you which makes me the happiest omega here."

Tooru said with tears in his eyes wanting to wipe them away when Hajime grabbed Tooru by his waist carefully and pulling him onto his lap.

"Ssh, things will be alright. You're getting emotional all over again it's okay baby they seem to be excited to see their parents and their big sister."

"Yeah, Hajime? My parents are trying to contact me again.."

"We'll talk about that in the morning before ... ugh I'll just tell coach that I'll come in the day after tomorrow. We still have an appointment with your doctor."

"Yeah almost forgot about that. Hajime? Umm... we still have to call the school to tell them that Towako won't be able to come to schoo-"

"Yeah she's still got the flu."

Hajime said with a smile when Tooru looked up to see Hajime just smiling while rubbing his bump soothingly.

To soothe his sons in Tooru's belly who's kicking has gotten slower and stopped.

"They're asleep now baby, now we can go back to sleep."

It was like a minute or so before they heard Towako walking down the hallways.

"Dad, umm... it's not the flu. Mom.. I started my heat."

"To.. towako?"

Tooru was a bit speechless to know she can still stand in such condition while he was purring to feel Hajime's hands on his pregnant belly.

"You sure you presented as an omega?"

"Just tonight. Don't worry I've got the things I need to help through my heat mom gave it to me a day before."

Towako said returning back to her bedroom when Tooru's emotions came back to reality for him to start crying.

"Alright now, Tooru ssh I'm here I know she's growing up so fast already eleven."

Tooru was still a crying mess but was getting tickled by Hajime badly when Tooru's hands were resting on his belly then the boys kicked a warm kick.

Both Hajime and Tooru then fell back asleep knowing that they have to be up tomorrow at 9a.m. for the appointment or even earlier.

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