chapter two - friends reunion

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The next morning at 5a.m. Hajime got a phone call from his sister about the reunion later today.

Himari Iwaizumi😘😎 is calling...

"Hey Onii-san! Morning! Hope you all are ready for later's reunion. Sorry if I'm calling at 3am?"

"Yeah morning to you as well. Yeah we all are and we've got another surprise to you all. Nah it's not 3am here it's already 5am."

"Ohhh, then it's my timing that I'm saying like that. Sorry, how's Tooru's morning sickness? Anything like that with his second pregnancy?"

"Nope, he did have it with Towako but nothing with his second and hopefully last pregnancy."

"Only three kids?"

"Yeah, Tooru's tired. And he's a lot grumpier and emotional than with his first pregnancy. If any of you are going to joke around with him you'll all be sorry."

"Alright I'll make sure to tell Sakura. She might joke around..."

"Oh god, then it might be worse for those who are going through their second pregnancies."


"Yup. Kyiomi is having a baby brother. She's very excited to be a big sister."

"That's real nice. Isn't Towako interested in girls?"

"Maybe. We won't know that immediately. How's everything with you?"

"Okay I guess. Akari is pregnant."

"Yeah, I know. Today's reunion is going to be full of surprises."

When they ended the call and Hajime fell back asleep next to his loving Tooru who's sleeping on Hajime's chest.

Timeskip: to the reunion at the restaurant

When the Iwaizumi family arrived at the location sent in the group to see their friends from highschool all here.

As a heavily pregnant Sugawara spotted the Iwaizumi family then he called his husband over.


"I'm here, what's wrong? You need something?"

"There here."

When their friends were sitting and waiting for them to enter inside properly then Towako ran to her friends Kiyomi and Kiko who were hugging her back.


Both girls said hugging Towako Iwaizumi in a tight embrace with a smile on their faces.

"Kiyomi! Kiko! Hiiii!"

Towako said hugging them back while Tooru was whining about his back pain.

"Hey, I'm here. Is this alright over here?"

"Hajime! That feels good."

When they sat down then Sakura asked immediately of who's in their second and last pregnancy.

"So? Any second and last pregnancies?"

"Yeah, Koushi."

"Ooh, a girl or a boy?"

"A boy."

Daichi said with a smile feeling proud about it when Sakura asked Tooru who almost jumped awake.

"Tooru? And you?"


"sigh he's just tired. Didn't get much sleep but we're having twins. Both boys."

Hajime said which made Tooru feel so much relieved when he felt his lower back being massaged and he was now in tears of it.

"Lia? What about you?"

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