Chapter 17: I'm going to Die... Aren't I?

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(A/N ah-em-gee!!! This is the chapter everything goes down in!!! Two updates in one day! (Don't worry the book is ending somewhere close to the 40's, and I'm thinking about a sequel!))

Rebekah and I are in the center of the mall, she whispers to me that it’s time. That is, this is when everything’s going to go down. I also know, she’s going to wait until Harry’s here, because she wants him to suffer, and she wants him to think he could have stopped what’s about to happen. I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid to die anymore. I can if that means my friends, and Harry don’t have to, that by dying, I’m saving many other lives, including the life of One Direction. If Harry died, One Direction would too, and being a directioner myself I know I’d die – wait no do think that – the fans would die, and there’d never be another concert again, and seeing their pretty much on tour, that’d be really bad.  Although, I think they cancelled it because of me, lots of people probably hate me; I can’t imagine what my Twitter must look like!

I continue searching the crowd which is slowly forming, when some people are starting to leave. Rebekah has finally pulled out her gun; I’m guessing she’s found Harry. I search and search until I finally see him, when my eyes land on him, my mouth turns up into a smile. He’s seen me now, he looks taken a back that I’m smiling at him. Although, I can’t help it, I can’t help that there’s a gun pointed towards my head, and I can’t help that I’m smiling at the man I love.

The police are finally starting to make people exit the building, they try to move Harry but he stays where he is just staring at me, they soon give up seeing there’s no point. I think this is my time to ‘say’ what I need to. I gulp and mouth out the words, “I love you,” to Harry. He looks at me with a shocked expression. I then mouth “Good-bye,” and a tear runs down my cheek.

Rebekah whispers something in my ear, I try to make sense of it, and finally realise she said “It’s time.” I give a little wave to Harry, and he does the stupidest thing I have ever seen, he runs towards me like an idiot.  Shit, this is what I was afraid of, him trying to be a hero, save the damsel in distress. I quickly shake my head and remember what I did in my dream, it may work, it will for sure save Harry though, and that’s all that matters.

I snap my foot down on Rebekah’s foot and the gun goes off, it hits me in the arm, it hurts a lot, making me gasp, but my feet still work and I have to remember that. I dash away as quick as I can, even though it hurts my arm, and bloods pouring out of my wound, I clutch it with my hand, and continue running.

I turn my head back, to see Harry still running towards Rebekah, because she’s still got her aim on me. “Harry, no!” I shriek at him, hoping he’d stop running at her, but it’s too late, he’s already rammed into her, and the gun goes off multiple times, I’m not sure who got shot, and I’m also not sure why the police aren’t doing anything. They both lie on the ground for a moment. Then, finally Harry moves a little, it looks as though they both got shot, I run back towards them, seeing Rebekah still isn’t moving. Harry rolls off of Rebekah, onto the ground, he lies there, and when I finally get to Harry, I fall to the ground, and lean over him – again like my dream.

“You love me, huh?” Harry asks, causing me to let out a little laugh.

“I don’t know... Do you love me?” I tease him slightly.

“Yes,” It comes out as a low whisper, and I can barely hear him, but I do.

“Good, because, I love you,” I whisper in his ear, and then kiss his lips, giving him a light peck. “Did you get shot?” I ask him.

“Yes, just in the leg, nothing serious.” I shake my head at his response. I yell for a police officer to come over with a medic. He then realise, I too am bleeding. “What happened to you?”

“Nothing, just got shot in the arm, nothing serious,” I giggle my response.

“How is it that you’re laughing over getting shot,” He looks at me worried.

“Relax Harry, I’m fine,” I pause, “As long as I have you.” I smile down at him; although both are wounds are really starting to bother me. I’m starting to go faint, and again, why the hell is it taking the medics so long? I look over to see why; they’re taking Rebekah away, most likely to the hospital… At least I hope to the hospital, even though she tried to kill me, I don’t want her to die.

“I think I’m going to shut my eyes for a bit,” Harry tells me, looking white as ever. I know what ‘shutting his eyes’ means, and that’s not going to happen when I just got him back.

“No, Harry, don’t you dare shut your eyes on me!” I nearly scream at him.

“Wow, relax Savy.” I hear someone say behind me, and know instil that it’s Louis.

“Sorry Lou, but I’m not going to relax, okay? Harry just got shot, and now he wants to ‘shut his eyes’ do you even know what that means in this situation? Also, can some get a damn medic, like does no one realise some got shot over here?” Louis looks at me seriously, but I turn my attention back to Harry, who’s starting to shut his eyes. I slap his cheek lightly, he re-opens his eyes, and I sigh in relief.

“Harry got shot?” Zayn asks me, stepping forward, I nod in response.

“You got shot too,” Harry says in a low voice. I didn’t want to say I did, so no one took me away before Harry.

“You got shot?” Natalie ask, I now see everyone’s here – but the police.

“Ya, but don’t worry about me, it’s not that bad, I’m not going to pass out or anything, unlike Harry.” I pause. “Where the hell is that damn medic, like really?” I shake my head searching franticly, when I see one is finally coming. Harry started to pass out once again, I slap his face, again, but this time he doesn’t wake up. I murmur some very rude words to myself.

“Medic, if you can’t see this man is dying, and right now he’s not waking up, so do you mind if you hurry up just a bit?” I nearly scream at the man coming to take Harry away. Natalie picks me up into a hug, and I start crying into her chest.

“Shh, he’ll be okay.” Natalie says with some other soothing words. Everyone starts patting my back, and I realise, I still have my shot wound, when another medic taps my shoulder.

“Ah, ma’am, we’ll need to take you to the hospital now to take care of your wound.” I nod my head, pull out of my hug with Natalie, and follow the lady to the stretcher she has for me.

(A/N Oh my, everyone's being shot! Is Harry okay?? I hope he is! Anyways, read the next chapter to find out!!)

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