Chapter 28: Goodbyes and Hellos.

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I didn't understand why Harry and I had to take a break, but it was something he wanted, so I'd go along with it. Natalie, Katie and I had discussed the matter, but they as well had no idea why Harry and I were taking a break. I had already said my goodbyes to everyone, but Harry. Now, this was when I was saying goodbye.

I stood there, holding Harrys hand, wondering why we had to part like this.

Not together, and slightly broken.

"I love you, you know that, right?" Harry asks me, and I nod slightly.

"I just don't know why you're leaving me..." It's true; we broke up, yet swore to see each to see each other again. I don't understand why, just to see the other with someone else in the future with someone else?

"We'll see each other again." Harry said trying to convince me.

"Yes, but with someone else! I'll see you with someone you've grown to love, and I'll be there, awkwardly wishing you were still mine!" It's true, but I know his mind is set. "Well, I love you too... See you years from now..." I pause. "So... I guess this is good bye." Harry leaned down, and pressed his lips softly against mine.

"Goodbye," Harry says. God, I'm going to miss his lips. We both took are luggage, and left to our separate planes. I was going to London, England to pursue my dream of writing, in the famous place, the Victorian era is always placed in. I knew exactly what I was going to write about. Although this time it would end with a happy ending. This time I'd get the guy. It could be marked; the incredibly true storey, written by, Savannah Day. I just wish I could keep him, this is the second time this happened. Keeping us apart won't help anything. Also we're both going to be living in London, England, so what's the point? We'll both bump into each other, and he'll have more fame being in my book, and people are going to think we lived happily ever after, but we didn't, I didn't.

"Flight #352, now boarding" The speaker says. That's my flight. Well it's now or never. I continue to walk with my luggage to the boarding gate.

"Ticket, ma'am." The ticket collector says. I grab my ticket, and passport out of my purse, and hand them to the lady. She quickly checks the ticket, and my passport, and hands them back. "Have a nice flight" She smiles at me, and I give her a half smile back. This is going to be one long trip, what is it, 14 hours? I'm going to miss everyone so much! Louis, Katie, Natalie, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and all of them, but I'm starting over, and in order to start over you have to disappear from your old life. I'll stay in contact with Natalie and Katie obviously, but we won't see each other every day like we used to, and to think Harry could be the blame of me leaving all my friends.

"Miss, I'll need you to go through the gate now, you're holding up the line." She says, snapping me back to reality. I quickly nod. I take one look behind me, and see a bobbing head of brown curls running this way, but I know it's not Harry, he made up his mind, he's the reason we broke up, he isn't running towards me, that's just some man I don't even know. I gulp, and go through the loading gate. I got first class - only because a famous boy band member bought it for me. I check my ticket to see what row, and seat I have, row 4, seat 6. The plane has two seats beside each other, and three columns. Looks like I have the right side window seat.

I quickly walk to my spot, and attempt to put my carry on in the cubby above the seats. I can't seem to get it to fit, I slide off my purse, and put it on my seat by the window. I try once more in an attempt to put my carry on in the cubby, I end up cutting myself on god knows what. I drop my carry on, and curse under my breath. It's not a big cut, but it's still bleeding.

"Need help there?" A cute blonde around my age asks.

"Do you mind?" I ask not wanting to make him feel inclined to put my carry on in the cubby.

"Not at all," The guy replies. He picks my luggage off the ground, and puts it in the cubby without difficulty.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"I'm Jason," He tells me.

"Savannah," I take my seat, and Jason sits too. "No way, you sit here?"

"Yep, and I'm guessing you sit here," Jason laughs, showing off his dimples. Sweet baby Jesus, he is so cute. I nod, and a smile grows across my face. I'm not flirting am I? God, am I trying to have a rebound relationship? "Hey, aren't you that girl that's dating Harry Styles?" he asks, oh god.

"Ah... I was dating him..." I respond.

"Oh, what happened?" he asks genuinely interested.

"I don't know, after the whole kidnapping thing, we were stronger than ever, considering that was when we got back together. Then there was this guy I used to know, and now we are just stopping, I don't know..." I tell him, not wanting to talk for hours about Harry and I's relationship with him, especially considering I don't know him, and Harry and I just broke up.

"Too bad for him," Jason says now, obviously flirting, and I stay quiet, and it gets awkward for a moment. "You were kidnapped?" Jason asks, trying to bring our conversation back to life.

"Ya, it wasn't that bad, being in the famous world being known as one of the 'girlfriends' is worse." I tell him, and the realization kicks in, that I'm going to get even more hate.

"Why's that?" He asks.

"All the hate you get, its way worse than being hit and kicked, and shot in the arm, way worse." I tell him. Ok, maybe being shot in the arm is a little worse...

"Attention flyers, please put your seatbelts on now, and turn off any electric devices. We will begin take off in five minutes." The captain says over the intercom. Jason and I buckle up our seat belts, and he gets right back to talking.

"How is it worse? I mean wasn't getting shot in the arm worse than all that hate?" I sigh.

"I get death threats, the basic bullying threats, I get everything, just because I was dating the guy everyone had a crush on, I still get it, and I'm going to continue getting them for the rest of my life, it's one of those 'perks' of being with a famous person," I tell him.

He nods as though he understands, which I know he doesn't.

"I'll show you my twitter later, I've still got to make the tweet that says, 'congrats Harry girls, you got your wish, me and Harry are no more,'" My voice cracks as it hits me, Harry and I are no more, Jason notices, and backs down a little bit.

"Take off is now starting, make sure your seatbelts are buckled" The pilot says.

"Watch out, when we get to England, I bet there's going to be a swarm of papz." I grab my purse, which I had put under my seat, and take out a stick of gum. Some people say biting your tongue helps, but all that causes is your tongue to bleed. I pop it in my mouth, and start to chew. "What about you, you've found out all this information about me. Why are you coming to England, because I know you don't have an English ascent."

"You're right, I don't, I'm English, just I moved when I was young, too young to get an ascent." God, what is it with me and British people? "I'm moving back for a while, you?"

"I'm finally pursuing writing, I'm going to write my life story, up until a couple weeks ago. I'm moving to England as well."

"Maybe we'll run into each other," Jason grins.

"Maybe," I say, maybe a rebound relationship is what I need. It may just get my mind off Harry. Maybe I'll end up forgetting the last couple months. Maybe I'll forget Harry all together. God I want to call him, and Louis, I don't know Louis was one of my best friends, that shouldn't change right? Maybe Harry will be the one wishing to have me back. Maybe he'll be the one wishing I was still his.

(A/N, this is the end of Love at First Kiss. Originally I was going to have Kyle more involved, but then I figured, I don't want too much drama... How do you guys like this Jason guy? Savannah and Jason, or Savannah and Harry? Javannah or Harvannah? LOL.

So, the next book will be called: Want You Back. Click on 'External Link' to go to the next book! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the book, and I hope you read the next one as well.

P.S. I have extra chapters I can make!! For example; chapter one being Harreh's POV!! So, tell me if you'd like that and I'll get right to writing!!)

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