Prince Charming And Simple Girl Chapter 8

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Written by: Kathlene Faith I. Belmoro

Julia and Prince Louis got back in a real relationship but as for the mean time, they are in a Long Distance Relationship.

As the months passed, Julia had been focusing on getting a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics in the morning and having a call time with Prince Louis at night.

Meanwhile, Prince Louis is also focusing on doing his duty, having a meeting with Spain's royal family in the morning and talking in the phone with Julia.

After a few weeks, Julia would be graduating of her course, which is MMath course in The University of London. The day before the graduation ceremony, Julia called Prince Louis.

"Tommorow is my graduation day, Louis. I just called to tell you the news. I'm Magna Cum Laude by the way." she said and he replied, "Oh really. Too bad, I cannot attend the ceremony. I would like to attend but I got too many things to do. But I promise you, I will send something as a gift for you, Julia." then Julia said while ironing her clothes, "It's fine. I understand. Besides, Princess Mary will come. Louis, I'll call you later before I sleep. I'm ironing my clothes at the moment." then Prince Louis said, "Okay, be careful. Love you!" and Julia blushed and said, "I love you too."

After their call, Prince Louis went back to what he was doing and Julia also continue to finish ironing her clothes. At the same time, her grandma, Helen was also talking with someone on the phone. It was Julia's parents.

Helen had been in contact with Julia's parents for months now.

Janice Williams, Julia's mother told Helen on the phone, "Mom, how's my Julia?" and Helen replied, "She's been good. Tomorrow, she'll graduate and she's Magna Cum Laude, Janice." then Harry Williams, Julia's father also spoke, "Wow! I can not believe how far our daughter had come! We will surely go to the ceremony tomorrow." After a few chats, they ended the call. Before Julia slept, she talked with Prince Louis on the phone.

The next day, Julia got ready and prepared to go to the university for the ceremony. When they got out of their door, a royal car or long car was parked in front of their house then the driver goes out to greet them. "Good morning, Ms. Williams. My name is Robert. His royal highness Prince Louis of Wales ordered me to send you to the graduation ceremony. Please, get in." he said and Julia shyly replied, "Well, he didn't have to. But thank you." then they got in the car and drove to the university.

At the ceremony, Julia was called first to give a speech as she is the valedictorian and magna cum laude of her chosen course. As she and her grandma walked to the stairs, Robert helped her got up the stage as he was ordered. When she's about to get her diploma, she noticed the person who's gonna give it to her. It was Prince Louis and she brightly smiled at her the moment he saw her.

Then Prince Louis handed Julia her diploma, kissed her cheek and hugged her. "Congratulations, my love. You will never know how proud I am of having you." Prince Louis said.

While Julia teared up when he hugged her then he wiped her tears away and she said, "I thought you wouldn't be here. Thank you, love. I love you." and then he replied, "I love you too, darling."

After that, they posed for the camera. Then Prince Louis sat back to his chair and Julia gave her speech. Julia fixed the mic so she'll be clearly heard. Her speech was fantastic that the audience stood up and gave her an applause.

Her speech was, "Hi, good morning everyone. I am Julia Venice Ruth Rodrigo Williams. I am really grateful to God, my friends and family. With their help, I finished my degree and became a magna cum laude college student and got a bachelor's degree and this diploma. In life there will always be a trials and sacrifices. But you don't have to face it alone. You will always need someone even if you don't want to. People will come and go, but the pain they left you is not what will change you. It's on you if you'll choose to change yourself but people don't have the ability to change you. It is always you who change for them. But changes can be good, like growing up. You were a wild child change into a shy teenager and became a confident adult. I, Julia, a student of this great university, receive this diploma with a sincere appreciation and love for my future. Once again, I thank my friends, Serena and Monica, my grandma, Helen, brother Jeremy, and my prince charming boyfriend, His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Wales."

All of the audience stood up and applaud her then Julia walked to Prince Louis to hugged him again. When she was walking back to where they were sitting, Julia slowed down, lost her smile and felt her chest getting heavy. She saw her parents next to her grandma smiling at her, waiting for her to get to their chair. "Why- why are they here?" she said to herself.

Meanwhile, Prince Louis noticed Julia and then he looked at where Julia was looking. He felt worried for her and ordered Robert to check on her. Robert ran to her and asked if she was okay. Then she said she was okay and walked back to their seat. "Julia, oh you've grown so well. We are so proud of you." Janice and Harry said as they smiled at her. Then Julia just walked passed them to sit the other side next to Helen.

After her speech, the head of the University gave his speech and Prince Louis was the next person to gave his speech too. When the ceremony ended, Prince Louis goes to Julia. "Julia, I missed you so much!" he said and she hugged her and replied in a sarcastic suspicious voice, "I missed you too, Louis. Wait, I thought you were busy? Why are you here?" then he replied, "I wanted to surprise you. Besides, Edward and Mary begged father, so I could come back. And here I am in front of you!" then they hugged each other again.

Their hug was interrupted by Julia's parents. "Julia, can you talk with us for a moment?" Harry said. Prince Louis was confused who they were and asked, "May I know who you are, sir?" then Julia replied before her parents could ever answer. "They're my parents, love."

After Prince Louis heard about it, he immediately introduced himself and shaked their hands, "Hello, Mr. Williams. I am Julia's boyfriend, Prince Louis of Wales." while Julia was just standing there unhappy. "I already knew you, your royal highness. We just need to have a word with my daughter, if that is okay?" then Prince Louis and Julia looked at each other and nodded. "What do you want to talk about, m-mom?" Julia hesitantly asked. "We want to ask how you have been." Janice replied and Julia coldly asked, "Well, weren't you already getting informations about me from grandma?"

Julia already knew her grandma were in touch with her parents the night before the ceremony. She overheard them talking but she didn't continued listening to their conversation. After a minute of silence, her parents hugged her and said sorry but Julia just stepped away from them. "I-" Julia said to them as her chest got heavier and ran.

Prince Louis watched Julia as she ran away from her parents and then he made his way to her. Prince Louis kept shouting her name as she was running but she didn't heard anything and Prince Louis continued to chased her. When she got lost in his sights, he stopped running and looked at his side. There was Julia crying alone but Prince Louis was there to walk to her and comfort her.


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