Chapter three

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Please read the note at the end of this chapter. Happy reading<3

Oliver sat in his usual spot at the dining room table. Not too close to Azeil but not too far away, or else Azeil would make some awkward joke about how he doesn't bite and Oliver would have to adjust closer to him. Oliver was keeping to himself as their new guest was conversing with Azeil and keeping this awkward situation not awkward. Or at least Oliver thought it was awkward. I mean really this guy just shows up out of blue claiming he knows him and moseys his way in here for food and conversation? This hands down has to be one of the most awkward moments Oliver has ever encountered.

"Oliver don't pick at your food. If you don't like it then eat something else, we have a variety." Azeil said as he nodded towards the spread of food on the long table. It was like the painting of 'The Last Supper' had been  put into a reality in their dining room. Oliver nodded without the appropriate verbal response but Azeil let it go this time. August had ignored the tension between the two and just passed it as a new settling matter with the boy. He continued his conversation with the same amount of passion and enthusiasm as always. August was more of the sensible friend, he was slow to anger and he always gave people more than second chances. He was like a mother in a way, very doting and caring and sometimes strict, but if you mess with his friends or family he can switch like a light.

Azeil was the complete opposite. He was very stern and only believed in 'One and done'. He was more of the strict fatherly kind of man. Though in his defense his father was a marine for 20 years and his mother was a CEO of a large incorporated business. He knew nothing else other than tough love. But one thing August and Azeil did have in common was that to always protect family, including friends.

"So", August began. "I'm sure you are probably asking yourself how I know you," August said as he put down his fork and gave his upmost attention to Oliver. "Well, I don't know if Azeil has told you this, but I was very close friends with your dad and your mom; and so was Azeil. Us three would always hang out together and on more than one occasion would your father bring you with us to wherever we were going. You were so cute as a little baby, you couldn't have been but 3 or 2 so it's not like you can remember us." August went to explain about all the things the four of them would do and where they went. The more August was going down memory lane, the more it felt awkward for Oliver, if that was even possible.

It almost felt like August was talking about for his sake and for the nostalgia and reminiscing about his younger days when he didn't have to worry about getting wrapped up in family business. Oliver was silent the whole entire time while occasionally picking at his food, despite Azeil's wishes not to. It's not Oliver could cut himself in and also share the memories he had as a two year old. Oliver could feel himself getting frustrated with all these fun memories of his parents that Azeil and August share. Meanwhile, Oliver was stuck with the same story about how his father died of car accident and his mother fell ill two months later and died that same year. And it never seemed to bother him until now when he started to feel jealous of the brother's experience with his parents.

Azeil started to notice this when Oliver kept his head down and didn't bother acknowledging August anymore and stopped eating. His brother can ramble on sometimes and not even realize that he was in a conversation with someone else other than himself. Azeil knew this behavior from Oliver too well as he studied his behavior the past week. From Monday to Thursday he could tell that Oliver was just falling deeper and deeper into his own sinkhole of negative thoughts. Azeil wanted to help but he didn't know how; thinking it was better to give Oliver some space was a mistake that Azeil now knows. No one really helped Azeil when his parents passed away and left him with oceans of work and tears. He would just freeze as he sees his younger version of himself in Oliver.

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