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saw a quote that said , ''Cursed are those who feel oceans but can express just a drop" And it hit me like ton of bricks.

Ahaana pov,

In short amount of time the life can change so much if somebody have told me that i will be getting married in a month I would have laugh on them but here I am sitting in front of mirror and getting ready because today it's my wedding, the malhotra's wanted to do wedding as soon as possible and i don't even know why I just agreed ,after that day i haven't seen my soon to be husband. I didn't even realize that how fast this month went .

And ugg this wedding attire is so heavyyyy

And ugg this wedding attire is so heavyyyy

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Her wedding dress

I was called by mother that i have to go now

"Guys I don't know what happens in wedding properly and don't want to write something wrong so you imagine the way you know ☺"

The priest said fill the partition of hair with Vermilion
And just like that i become his
From Ahaana rathore to Ahaana rehaan malhotra .

We need to take blessing of our elders but being such a arrogant he didn't .. But he is looking good I didn't see him that clearly but now when I got a proper look damn he is looking good

 But he is looking good I didn't see him that clearly but now when I got a proper look damn he is looking good

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Rehaan outfit

It was time to go and i was crying like hell I didn't even thought one day i will have to leave them. Mom was crying so much by seeing her I couldn't stop my self. I saw my brother he was trying so hard to not cry I walked to him and tightly hugged me and he said " I am just one call away baacha if anything happen you will have us" And i got more emotional,my two bestfrdz were also crying and then inayat said to rehaan " If you will break her heart i will kill you with most brutal way possible" Here she goes with her rant we all laugh listening to her.... I got better then... The car ride was so akward he didn't even try to talk to me and i am not desperate to do so....

After reaching there Mr arrogant denied to do any ritual so we did no ritual it's good . A lady show me his room it was all decorated and then I realized it our wedding night we will not do anything right? I decided to ignore that and changed into comfortable clothes because this lehanga is killing me when I again entered the room I started admiring his room, it was good hmm his taste is not that much bad .

I came out off my thoughts when I heard the door opening and here he was standing there looking all glorious still in his weeding attire ... I need to stop staring at him .
I started going towards bed when I heard him saying "I will sleep on bed you take couch" what? I don't believe him he has problem he should suffer not me so I said "you have problem na then you go I will not,I need my beauty sleep and that couch looks uncomfortable not my problem though" after saying this he said "I will not repeat myself" "then don't" after saying this I again make my towards bed but in the process he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him to handle myself I placed my hand on his chest he said"What to do you think of yourself it's my bedroom not yours so don't fucking anger me because the consequences will not be good " Now I got angry on his word so I said " Listen mister first I am Ahaana rehaan malhotra according to me it means I am your wife so this room also belongs to me now and second don't you dare talk to me like that Or the consequences will not be good ,you only wanted to marry na? Because you can't say a damn NO so now suffer" as I completed this sentence I was shoved again the wall near me with his hand on my throat not tight enough to choke me but enough to show that who is in power"Watch that mouth of your, and you my wife this is just forced marriage so nothing mine belongs to you and nothing yours belongs to me, get that shit inside your head"he said.. With every word he said my heartbeat got faster and faster but I refuse to show this asshole my fear so I looked directly into his eyes and said in a firm tone "" as a jerk he is,he didn't even budge and I lost my cool and said "leave me you asshole jerk or else I will kick you hard enough to break your good for nothing dick" he smirk and said "try me" and then I decided to execute my plan but no nah he didn't even react it's like he doesn't even feel pain and also his grip on my thoart started getting stronger cutting my oxygen so I said "what do you want" In calm tone, he said "hmm.. It's very tough question but for now all I want you to stay away from me and my things.. You can sleep on couch or floor not that I care of so you decide" "ok" I said because there is no point in arguing he is just like that he will not leave me until I accepted his demand..

After a good amount of time by watching me and murmured something in his breath that I didn't hear and he left me.. My hand directly went to my neck to massage it and he left the room and I decided to sleep on couch . . . I shouldn't have talk to him like that but his attitude really gets better of me but I don't know I never snap on anyone but it's second time I am snapping on him.

The whole night he didn't came. I know because I didn't sleep whole night because of this uncomfortable couch.. What I never slept on couch so it's obvious ... But what a jerk he is, he said he will sleep in bed the whole drama happened yesterday just because he could sleep on bed, and now he didn't even came....

I got ready and was ready to go downstairs then heard him .... i was going to ignore him but he cleared his throat and said "listen,i got overboard last night , i will not give any excuse but my behaviour towards you was not right ... but i will clear myself to you don't expect any love as i already told you i don't love, but yeah as a husband i will fulfill my responsibility if needed and about bed we will change place alternatively that's all " this man can't even say sorry i just said okay and left from there ... ofcourse i know he has anger that can burn fire itself .. but i was also wrong after knowing this i just provoked him more but it was not intentional i was also angry ... that is why i will think about last night topic and move forward.

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