"Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep"

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Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quite birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars the shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

- Mary Elizabeth Frye

I love this poem so much. Maybe I'll have it spoken at my funeral one day. It's beautiful isn't it?
What do you think of it?
I feel like it's so easy to picture someone who's passed in a negative sense, with such a sadness, and I think this reminds you to remember them in the best times. The times when there was sun shining on their faces and their laugh in the air.
That's what we should remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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