The good wedding with a bad ending

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It was a nice warm day in the middle of spring the perfect temperature. Percy was now 23 years old, and about to get married. Percy knew after surviving a journey though tartarus with Annabeth, that he was going to marry her someday. Today was the day.

Percy and Annabeth both decided on having the wedding at camp half-blood where it was safe. Percy was nervous and exited about the wedding. He had proposed to Annabeth right after they both graduated college.

Today was finally the day. He got his suit and tie ready to go. He had picked out a nice blue suit, he paired with a green tie.

Percy loved Annabeth with all of his heart he couldn't imagine a world without her.

He finally got his outfit ready to go. Percy had selected Grover to be his best man. His other groomsmen included Nico and Leo. These were some of Percy best friends that he had been with for many years.

The wedding was being held out near the lake on a little beach. As Percy stepped out of the changing room he made his way to the alter.

The fresh breeze and the flowing water around him calmed him. He didn't feel one bit nervous. He was ready to marry the love of his life.

A few minutes later Annabeth walked down the aisle in a beautiful dress. Her hair was tied up, and she was being escorted by her father. She looked perfect. Percy thought that he was seeing the prettiest girl in the whole world.

Then Annabeth was at the alter. Percy took her hands. He couldn't help it. As there eyes met he whispered, "I love you".

He whispered in the softest voice to point where she was the only one who could her here his words. Percy couldn't wait to finally be married to Annabeth.

He looked into her beautiful eyes, they were like a gray powerful storm. Percy thought, her eyes were grey but not a boring grey, but the kind of grey that is powerful, pretty, and passionate.

Chiron read the vows.

"Percy Jackson do you take Annabeth Chase as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?".

"I do", Percy responded.

"And do you Annabeth Chase take Percy Jackson your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?".

"I do", responded Annabeth

Chiron then said

"Perseus Jackson you may kiss the bride".

Percy's lips met Annabeth's. They both kissed with passion. It was a kiss that felt like a seal. It was a seal of their love for each other and how strong it is.

As they kissed a cheer and applause rose from the crowd of people. they then broke apart from each other after 5 seconds.they were both filled with smiles. Percy looked over at his groomsmen Nico,Grover, and Leo were all smiling with cheerful faces.

Annabeth whispered in Percy's ear,"I love you too seaweed brain".

The wedding dinner took place at the camp pavilion. There was all kinds of food, anything you could think of. Percy ate blue pizza his favorite. Percy and Annabeth sat together at the front of the pavilion.

Grover's best man speech was a nervous wreck. He would read some lines stutter and then take long pauses. Everyone who heard Grover's speech could tell he was nervous as hell. But Grover was Percy's best friend, he had always been his best friend.

Piper was the maid of honor her speech was perfect, compared to Grover's.

Percy and Annabeth talked about all kinds of things. After the wedding they planned on buying a small house on a beach. It would be a nice beach with a nice breeze, with the smell of salt in the air. Annabeth would have her own office to work on her architectural designs for Olympus. Percy had one big question to ask Annabeth.

"Um,...Annabeth do you want to have kids?"

"Yes, I do want to have kids. Maybe a girl, and a boy. What do you think?"

Percy was filled with happiness.

Percy said,"Yes that sound good, a boy and a girl."

Percy and his friends and family celebrated the wedding. They partied and had drinks. Grover got a little drunk and started dancing to poker face. The party went through the night until about 2 am. Everyone then headed to their bunks.

Percy and Annabeth headed back to cabin 3. Percy had a lot of drinks and was tired, so him and Annabeth went to bed.

Percy was having a dream. Nico was in the dream he was crying. The place looked like Tartarus. He was collapsed on the ground screaming and crying. He screamed "WHAT HAVE I DONE!!". He then bursted into more tears. The dream changed and Percy saw Grover crying, but this time he was at camp half-blood.

Percy woke up with a start. He looked around.

Annabeth was gone and he was sweating. There was blood where Annabeth had been sleeping. Percy stood up. There was a trail of blood that lead outside of the cabin. The blood trail ended about ten feet out from the cabin.

For the remainder of the morning everyone was looking for Annabeth but no one could fined her.

Percy was feeling all kinds of emotions. He was sad and angry at the same time. He knew he had to find his wife. He decided he would need help finding Annabeth.

He didn't know weather Annabeth was dead or alive, and this made him. If something happened Annabeth he could never forgive a person who would hurt her.

Percy looked out at the ocean, thinking.

He spoke out loud,"Annabeth I will find you".

Percy Jackson: Rage of bloodWhere stories live. Discover now