The son of Hades

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Daniel took out a black obsidian sword. It shined in the bathroom. 

"Ready to die son of Poseidon?", said Daniel with a crazy smile on his face.

"Not yet kid", said Percy

Percy uncapped riptide. His sword extended into a celestial bronze killing machine. Percy stood standing sword in his left hand prepared for the attacks that he expected would come. Percy thought what a fool this kid was. Percy could easily use the water in the pipes to attack Daniel. 

Daniel attacked first. He swung his sword down. Percy easily dodged the attack.

Percy then used the water to his advantage. He shot water to the left of him and then swung his sword on the right. This would be a perfect hit. The finishing move to end the fight. But then he just vanished. A shadow was left over, that slowly evaporated.

It was shadow travel like Nico's, but it seemed faster and quicker. Daniel was a skilled fighter.

Percy looked around, looking for Daniel. He was nowhere to be seen.

Then Percy sensed it. It was above his head.

Daniel emerged from a shadow above Percy's head. Daniel swung his sword aiming for Percy's head.  Percy barely had time to react. He swung his sword in a upward motion to counter the attack.

He vanished again. Percy and Daniel were slowly trading blows. Then percy felt the floor around him disappear.  Percy had shadow traveled.

He was in a dark place, and there was skeletons of dead people all around. He was in Daniel's domain. Percy could sense no water around him. Percy was now at an unfair advantage. He realized this fight would be decided by who the better swordsman was. 

Daniel's ability was that he could shadow travel anywhere. But he had a place where no one can get to only he can. This is known as his domain.

Percy got to his feet. He knew Daniel would appear any second now. He gripped riptide in his hand and prepared for a battle. 

Percy sensed a presence to his right. He blocked the attack. Percy then went to offense. He swung his sword to the right and then with speed and precision he swung to the left. He landed an attack just barely. He cut Danieal on the stomach. Blood spilled from his stomach. 

Then out of nowhere percy felt hands around his ankles. Skeletons were grabbing him. Soon he was stuck paralyzed and pinned by the skeletons.

Percy's whole body except his head was covered by skeletons. Daniel grabbed his sword. The black obsidian sword shined in the  dark domain. 

Daniel slowly walked toward Percy.

"Jackson this is where you die" , said Daniel.

Percy knew the end was near. He looked for any last hope. He looked for the flow of liquid. He couldn't find anything to save him, so he searched deeper.  Daniel was a foot away from Percy. He raised the black sword, he got ready for the finishing blow.

Percy concentrated. He focused. Then he found the flow of liquid.  This liquid felt  electrifying. he controlled it. 

Daniel's swing stopped just inches away from Percy's head. 

Percy knew what he just did. He knew what he did wasn't good. But what he did felt nice.

Percy Jackson had just controlled blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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