Post Season 2 [Angst & Fluff]

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Aziraphale made a mistake. He trusted heaven. How did heaven repay him? They turned him into their puppet. One day, Aziraphale woke up to this fact and chose to cut the strings. So heaven removed his wings.
He falls through the sky and plunges into an icy lake. He doesn't know which is worse ; the pain or the fact he betrayed his love for this.
As he sinks deep into the murky depths, his consciousness fading away, a singular thought crosses his mind.
One Moment he's lost to the dark and the next, his name is being called. ''Aziraphale, open your eyes! Don't do this to me, you silly angel!''
Warmth presses against his lips and he chases after it. His eyes flutter open. Crowley leans over him, soaked to the skin, hair dripping, breathing life into his mouth. ''Crowley... you're here.'' he whispers weakly, hardly believing Crowley would save him.
''Where else would I be?''  ''But I thought... I thought that...''  ''that what? I'd let you drown?''  ''Wouldn't blame you... after what I did.''  ''Shh. Shh. None of that now. Don't move. They made a real mess of you'' 
Crowley lifts Aziraphale, careful not to jostle him too much. Despite his gentleness, the now ex-angel cries out. ''It hurts!''  ''I know. It will for a while but it'll heal. Most things do.''  ''Most things?'' Crowley senses Aziraphale's real question. ''We'll be okay.''  ''Do you really think so?''  Crowley nods as he places Aziraphale in the back of the bentley. Aziraphale watches fondly as Crowley helps him unlace and remove his soaked shoes.  ''Yeah. The past won't go away fully but our lives will grow around it. That's usually how it goes.''  ''You... you really are nice, Crowley.''  ''Shut up and rest. You've been through a lot.'' 
Aziraphale falls asleep with a smile on his face. He's putting his trust into the right place at last.

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