☠ CHAPTER 16 ☠

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The map of the kingdom lies open on the table, its details capturing my attention as they mirror the passage of time between my past life and this current moment

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The map of the kingdom lies open on the table, its details capturing my attention as they mirror the passage of time between my past life and this current moment. Though I'm uncertain about the time that has elapsed since my death, it becomes increasingly evident that it spans at least a few decades.

Boundaries have shifted. We've gained land to the north, extending all the way to the coast, while to the south, we've relinquished control over the area between the Heib River and the mountain range.

"Is it updated?" I inquire.

"I believe so. Grefo provided it, claiming it to be his most modern version. It came at a high cost, though... how much trust can we place in a rogue like him?"

"A valid concern."

"Nevertheless, the crucial point is that the capital remains unchanged. Perhaps some structures have been razed or reconstructed, but nothing substantial. The map serves our purpose, and that's what matters." Dhael paces around the table, then places a stone in what seems like an arbitrary location. "Here we are."

"Really?" I calculate the distance mentally. "That implies we can reach the palace in just under two days on horseback."

"That's correct," the necromancer confirms. "Extend your hands."

I comply, and he gives me several more stones. Puzzled, I give him a quizzical look, attempting to raise an eyebrow, uncertain if I succeed. "What do you expect from me?"

"I need you to mark down the Grand Duke's main residence and other properties you recall he owns. Every structure you can think of. I understand there might be changes and that means a margin of error." He taps his chin beneath the mask. "I know the palace's location, but I also need you to identify areas where we might encounter the highest number of guards and soldiers outside."

I nod and move to the section of the map detailing Garel's capital. Carefully studying it, I place the stones as accurately as possible. Cartography isn't my forte at such small scale; I can discern directions to the ocean or specific towns, but pinpointing corners and hideaways proves more challenging. "This is the Duke's main residence," I explain. "I've been assigned as a guard there during special events. The other building next to it is an external storage room for family heirlooms and antiques they don't wish to display. Finally, there's the Majéstico hotel, their most renowned business, surrounded by various... indecent rumors."

"Like what?"

"Well, in the army, they mentioned that it functions as a brothel for nobles. I'm not sure if that's accurate though." I murmur before placing the next stone. "The Fishermen's Guild building is also owned by the Duke because their family owns merchant fleets and more." I'm reach a remote place in the map and I continue. "The Summer Village is approximately in this area. I haven't seen it up close, but it's where the Grand Duke and their family retreat when it's scorching hot. Finally, there's the external palace on the outskirts." I point to a fragment of the map beyond my arm's reach. "More or less around here. The duke's heirs reside there with their families after marriage and before inheriting the main home."

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