Father, Why is Mother Crying?

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A necessary slightly filler slightly shocker chapter before everything unfolds


Two weeks.

Two weeks had passed, and Hypatia hadn't come back.

Despite the overwhelming silence coming from her end, Pansy had tried her best, and talked to the mirror every single night. She had come to believe that Hypatia's mirror had been broken, but that didn't deter her from coming back to hers and talk at their scheduled time without fail. Pansy would tell Hypatia about her day, and about her friends, about the weather, and about her fears, about her grades, and about how much she missed her.

Of course, Pansy could've simply waited to find out who had invited McLaggen to the Slughorn party, but she didn't want to wait an entire month, especially with the possibility of Hypatia changing her mind on her cavalier.

Pansy had been summoned by Snape to go down to the defence against the dark arts room once again that evening. She had purposefully, and sometimes accidentally missed all of their previous meetings. Pansy gathered her things, ready to go, but she decided to first list down all members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She looked down at her parchment, there was not a singular respectable person in that entire team. She added down the reserve players, and crossed out all the girls.

Dean Thomas, Richie Cott, Jimmy Pix, Ron Weasley, Cormac McLaggen and Harry Potter.

She crossed out Mclaggen. Of course, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley already made a pair. She wrote down her first possibilities on the corner of the page. Hermione Granger, or Luna Lovegood. Pansy started cold sweating, her hand trembling as she crossed out Lovegood. Hypatia had clearly stated she had celebrated her house's victory after the previous match, and Luna was not a Gryffindor but a Ravenclaw.

Pansy did not let herself get discouraged and continued her suppositions. Dead Thomas did have a girlfriend, Ginny Weasley who was also a player in the team. Perhaps he was Hypatia's heartless rude crush. But he wasn't particularly close to any other players in the team, so this option didn't work. The two beaters, Richie and Jimmy. The problem was that they weren't friends with a girl, but a multitude. They were Seventh years, which matched with Hypatia's enormous amount of knowledge, but they were known for their relationships with no tomorrow, and their girlfriends that never seemed to last more than two weeks. They certainly hadn't waited until the last match to kiss a girl publicly.

The most realistic answer remained Hermione Granger.

Hermione Granger was her Hypatia.

No. Hermione Granger could be her Hypatia.

She had never seen in the girl a single ounce of intelligence. To Pansy, she had never been more than a mudblood ready to do anything to prove the world that she too, was worthy of being a witch despite her muggle family. Pansy took a deep breath. She couldn't even check with her as she had been gone for two weeks now. Pansy missed her terribly.

Snape could wait. Everything in her life was crumbling apart and she didn't think she could handle being told off now, or worse, seeing Draco.

Pansy watched as her mother buried her face in her hands in a weak attempt to hide her tears. The atmosphere was grave, the sound of cutlery hitting plates being the music breaking the silence.

"Father, why is Mother Crying?' Pansy fought the urge to run and hug her mother. She knew better than to get up during dinner.

"She saw today someone that she misses. She is, by the way, going to cease this ridiculous act immediately and have dinner with us like a respectable witch would."

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