Will You Find Me?

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Guys it's finally happening!!


Pansy and Draco found themselves in the room of requirements every day now. Draco had even convinced Crabbe and Goyle to take turns watching the seventh floor. They had refused at first, but immediately dedicated their time once he had shown them his mark, and said it was for the Dark Lord. That was the kind of power Pansy hoped to achieve by becoming a death eater herself.

Being on the good side of history was a luxury she could not afford. Pansy needed to be on the winning side of history. How else would she be able to watch over Hermione? Her ties to the dark world were already too strong. Would the dark lord lose, she'd be shunned by the world regardless of her own personal beliefs. A pureblood Slytherin known to be Draco's best friend and her parent's daughter? Her destiny had never been in her control. Her family, their friends, everyone they had chosen to surround themselves with, everyone they had chosen to keep around their daughter believed in a higher order dictated by blood purity. Deciding to retract herself from that system, no matter how much she despised it, would simply result in the immediate death of more than just herself. She couldn't.

This war would end in a blood bath, and only someone as great and powerful as the Dark Lord would be a fit leader in a new world. That's what Pansy had once thought. But the more time passed, the more she saw reality draw itself, illuminated by the feelings she had developed for Hypatia. Voldemort only wanted power. He was a despicable being that terrified him. The more she allowed this truth to settle in her, the more she felt disgusted with herself.

Draco had been chosen by the Dark Lord, but Pansy would make sure her help would not go unnoticed. She'd climb up the ranks of the army faster than any witch or any wizard. She'd watch over Hermione like a hawk, the angel of death never daring to approach her. It was the only way. The only way she'd stay alive and keep Hermione safe. No one in the castle knew just how close they were to release the death eaters in the castle. No one else knew just how restricted her possibilities were. People would die, and it would be her fault.

Pansy had resisted the urge every night to grab the mirror and talk to the one she loved. The temptation was even stronger when they crossed paths in the hallways, or shared a class. But she could not let anyone know of their connection. How could she ever become a great death eater if she was suspected of being tied to a mudblood?

"I think I did it." Draco said, lowering his wand. Pansy got up from the couch she had been sitting on. They took turns when it came to the layers of magic. Pansy had been bitter at the idea of having Draco fix the last layer. After all, she was the one that had gone to Dervish and Banges. She was the reason Draco would be considered a hero and not a failure. But her hands would feel cleaner if she let him do the honours.

Pansy used the charm that would render visible the magic state of the cabinet. A green aura appeared, only this time, it made a perfect circle around the closet, with no cracks or wobbles. They looked each other in the eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Remember, first the inanimate, then the animal, and only after the wizard." Pansy said. Draco nodded and took a green apple out of his pocket and placed it in the closet before closing the doors.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." After a few seconds, He opened the closet again. The apple had disappeared.

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Try to summon it back." Pansy said, shaking in excitement.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." Draco repeated. The apple was back, but in poor shape. They both grimaced at the sight. Chunks were missing, and the fruit looked like it had been sitting on a shelf for a few days now. Pansy's shoulders dropped. What had they possibly done wrong. All that she wanted was to find Hypatia and see her. She knew that the Slughorn party was about to start. Perhaps she still had time. Time to run to the mirror and beg her to not take McLaggen and take her instead to that stupid party.

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