New Beginnings

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Most people are born the old fashioned way. You know, "When a mummy and daddy love each other very much."

Not me though. I was a whole other situation.

You've probably heard of my mum... dad? Right now he's my dad but when I was born she was my mom. Her name's The Doctor and she is the universes greatest hero. The stories of her go on and on for eons. Mine? Well let's just say mine are a little more down to Earth.

When my father regenerated into his first female form the regenerative energy combined with the time vortex and created an organism. This swirled around for a while. Crashing through time barriers and destroying space chunks until it found the place it wanted to put me.

Earth. 2012.

So here I was. Stuck in the countryside of an area I'd soon find out to be Wales looking like the equivalent of a 20 year old Earthling. Sorry. That's rude. Human.

When I woke up all I could see was fields. Luckily for me, us Timelord's are have a very fast processing speed in our brains and so I'd learnt many languages whilst being in the vortex. 

I heard a shriek from nearby and instinct took over my body. I ran towards it, almost eager to help. I saw a woman in the forest but her face was distorted. One of her eyes was bulging and it looked like there was green slime leaking from everywhere it could on her. The big difference though was the fact that she had one enormous wing that had ripped through her clothing. 

As I neared she yelled at me to stay away, claiming that she was a freak of nature.

"Please don't look at me" she said turning away. "I'm a monster."

"Darling." I said in a soothing voice. " everyone beautiful, you just have to give them a chance to recognise their inner beauty."

She seemed to calm down at this and allowed me to come closer. I continued talking to her calmly until I got close enough to look into her eyes, our heads mere inches away. She spoke to me more freely, explaining that she just randomly started mutating.

"Hi, my name's Eegie"

"I'm Bel"

The calmer she got the more the bug features dissipated. I told her if she stuck with me I'll help her learn to control this ability.

We started to travel together and over the next few weeks and days I helped her out focussing her energy into controlling how and what she changed about herself. She could now completely change herself into any insect and also change parts of her body at will.

In the same timeframe I learnt that I couldn't die. Like the time lords I regenerated, but unlike them my face wouldn't change. I was immortal and by the gods I knew it would have major consequences.

The first time I died we were in a city, traveling through it we found a secret cage fight arena in a basement. There were criminals coming in and out but one of them caught my eye. She was taller than most of the men and she looked stronger than any human I'd seen so far.

She walked confidently to the cage in her gym outfit, some white shorts tightly wrapped around her muscular thighs and a hoodie which was still bulging where her biceps were. As she neared the cage, she ripped off the hoodie revealing an 8 pack of abs, glistening in the dim basement bulb lights, a bandage wrapped around her curvaceous breasts, the only bit of fabric on her upper body.

We watched from the sidelines in awe as she beat down man after man who tried to take her on. After every victory she would cheer but I saw a pain in her eyes, the sort of pain that comes from watching the people closest to you suffer. Then a man put his hand on my shoulder.

Commander E.E.G.I.E SmithWhere stories live. Discover now