Chapter 7: Proving It

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Chapter 7

Proving It

"So you think you're worthy to fight alongside me, eh? Why don't you prove it?"-Captain Hanburg "Thunderfist" Grocha. Quote from "A Treacherous Elf," book four in the popular adventure serial, "Hanburg's Renegades." First published 3E 347

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Proventus didn't seem happy with Hammel when he finally delivered his reward. The steward's eyes shot daggers as he slammed the pouch of gold into Hammel's hands. Without a word, Proventus turned on his finely made boot-heel and left Hammel standing there awkwardly in Dragonsreach's great hall.

It was time for fresh air. He'd done what Gerdur had requested and fulfilled his duty to her. Now personal quests could be attempted. Ever since his encounter with the giant, Hammel's thoughts kept returning to the Companions and Aela's half suggestion to visit Jorrvaskr. With his quest now completed, he intended to do just that.

Not that Lianna particularly cared where he went, but after travelling with her for the past few days it felt appropriate to tell her his plans. To his surprise she didn't make any biting comments, simply nodding and waving him farewell. It struck him as odd but he didn't dwell.

It felt good to be outside again. While he'd hadn't been in Dragonsreach long, the keep made him feel stifled and nervous. The political game wasn't one he was keen on playing. He felt the wind ruffle his hair, like he remembered from long years ago. The northern winds still lifted his spirits.

Descending the stone steps far slower than he'd ascended them, Hammel looked about the Wind District. There in its centre stood the Gildergreen, sacred tree of lady Kynareth. He remembered the majestic tree in bloom, a symbol of the goddess of nature. A far cry from its current state, now withered, blacked and dead.

An ill omen if I've ever seen one. Whiterun's loss of the sacred tree must have hit her people hard.

Despite his sadness at the state of the Gildergreen, Hammel moved on. His god was Talos, the problems of Kynareth should fall on the shoulders of her faithful. His only concern was reaching Jorrvaskr.

"You ascended from the dung that was mortality, and now live among the stars!" The priest's rantings shattered his self-reflection, catching him off-guard. The sermon, if it could be called one, echoed across the square, the words empowered by the priest's booming voice. Unfortunately for Hammel, the mead hall was directly past the shrine the priest tended. Without a listening crowd, Hammel would surely be noticed by the shouting priest.

Trying to shield his face with his pack, Hammel began walking. He moved at a casual pace, intent on taking the long route around the Gildergreen to avoid an encounter when something unusual happened.

"Talos the unassailable! Talos the magnificent! Talos the..." The priest's ranting stopped mid-sentence, eyes glancing feverishly about. "You!" He shouted, pointing directly at Hammel, "You, brother Nord! Are you faithful to Lord Talos? Have you come to hear the words of Heimskr, faithful priest of Talos?"

Hammel froze. Glancing frantically for anyone else Heimskr might be looking at, Hammel hoped for a way to avoid this uncomfortable social encounter. Unfortunately, one did not present itself.

I am loyal to Talos and his faithful priests. But this man seems crazy, a Holy Fool at best and psychotic lunatic at worst. This needs to be handled delicately.

"Yes, I'm loyal to Talos," Hammel told Heimskr. " But I have no time for foolishness, I've got work to do."

He expected Heimskr to yell, scream, perhaps call down a few choice curses or go into convulsions. But nothing like that occurred. Instead, the priest took a step towards him, "You are the one." He jabbed his boney finger mere inches from Hammel's face, giving a clear view of the man's whitened knuckles.

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