Window Seat

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Summary: Wolf wants a window seat. You refuse to move.


Wolf had arrived earlier than he anticipated. He was hanging around the side alley of a beef bowl shop, smoking a cigarette, while he waited for Hwangmo to reply. The ginger was still at work and Wolf would need to wait for him to finish his shift at the beef bowl shop. When Wolf peeked inside the shop, he really wanted to sock his friend. He was working this fast-food job like a nut. Diligently groveling for praise and minimum wage, like he really depended on the money. Okay, maybe he did need the money. Last time he spoke to Hwangmo, the ginger was complaining about how much his biology books cost. Once they left the Union, the money quickly dried up, and they went back to how it was before. Hwangmo did end up getting a job around then, hoping to save enough to fund their indulgent nights out, filled with booze. He steadily held a job since then, and it didn't change once he entered university.

Wolf was fresh off his military service of 18 months, and he had missed out on a lot, being away. Hwangmo, who was putting off his military service until after getting his undergraduate degree, had a year and a half of university experience under his belt. He had promised to give Wolf a tour of the campus before he had to hunker down and study for finals. And that was the only reason Wolf had come all the way here, tonight. Hwangmo had a friend who was looking for a roommate to share a two-bedroom apartment and he had asked Wolf to stop by. It was the first stop in the tour, he had said. Wolf would crash at the apartment and the next morning he'd go out with Hwangmo to tour the campus of his new school.

Wolf was officially registered for next term. He even had a shiny new student ID in his wallet as proof that he got into one of the prestigious universities in Seoul. Those who knew him back in high school would have never seen this coming, but despite Wolf's delinquent ways and obsession with making money, he was, technically a rich kid. He did the Union thing mostly because it sounded interesting and, at the time, he had great respect for Baekjin Na, not because he actually needed the money or anything like that. He was bored and looking for a good time. As it were, Wolf's family had money. Enough money that made the ones in charge at Ganghak keep his delinquent lifestyle off his official records, even when he was no longer in the Union. His father had berated him over it, even gave him a good beating for costing him so much.

As punishment, for costing his family so much money, his father had cut him off. The only time Wolf would get even a penny from his old man, would be after his father's death. At least that's what his father said. Wolf was an only child, so it's not like that money would go to anyone else. However, thanks to his mother's side of the family, he was still getting his tuition paid. Despite his father's protests, his mother would not budge. She had set a large sum of her inheritance aside to pay for Wolf's college education, so long as he could keep his GPA above average. It wouldn't be too hard, he wasn't an idiot, he did get in this school after all and his mother didn't even need to pay his way in like some fuckers he knew.

Although his tuition was taken care of, everything else would be up to Wolf. Food, housing, transportation... all of it would come out of his own pocket. If he stayed at the dorms, then his mother would cover it, but he really didn't want that. He had visited Hwangmo a few times when he was on leave and he did not like the idea that he'd have to share a room. An apartment he could do, but not a room. He got enough of that in the military. So, as soon as he entered his first year, he was on his own. And that was fine, really, he already had a few jobs lined up and if that didn't work, he also had the underground fighting that Jimmy introduced him to, back in his senior year of high school.

Jimmy took to underground fighting when the Union business suffered due to Baekjin's absence. And although Kingsley eventually salvaged it, most of the original members had scattered to the four winds. Wolf had left on bad terms, as he refused to return after Kingsley restarted the Union Baekjin Na had abandoned, but eventually, once it had all settled down, Jake and Jimmy reached out to him. He didn't know why. Maybe for nostalgic reasons or maybe because they had a bet going on how long it would be before Wolf picked a fight with the wrong person and ended up dead. Who knows, but the three got on well enough now that he didn't mind staying in touch.

Weak Hero| Tour Guide [Wolf Keum x Reader, Donald Na x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now