"It's Not a Date"

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Summary: You start to suspect that Wolf was lying about being interested in you.


Jake had lied to Wolf about the picture that Timothy sent him. The photo was not from the back. It was a clear picture of your face, followed by the text screaming, "OMG, IT'S HER! AND SHE'S EATING DINNER WITH KEUM!"

When Jake saw that text, he immediately left his apartment, mid-haircut. His electric razor was fine. He just needed an excuse to be there at that time.

Unfortunately, you were gone by the time he showed up, so he turned to Wolf to ask questions, since you slipped away from him.

He knew you would be attending this university because Baekjin had once told him about your plans. They ended up talking about it when they started discussing their own plans for after high school. This was during the time that Baekjin was discussing disbanding the Union, and Kingsley, who was adamantly against it, had walked out of the room, leaving just the two of them to talk. Eventually, they got to the topic of life after high school, of life after the Union was gone. Not surprisingly, they both wanted to go to university. And while Baekjin originally wanted to attend a school overseas, he changed his mind because of you.

"You're willing to attend a different school, just for her?"

"Why not?"

"Ha," Jake laughed, "I guess you really love her."

Baekjin never denied it. His feelings were clear. It was just unfortunate that things played out the way they did and he chose to disappear. He left behind a huge hole that was hard to fill.

The Union was not the same without him. Jake had left as well, but he still kept in touch with friends he made while part of the Union, so he knew what was going on in Baekjin's absence.

You had also left Yeongdeungpo once Baekjin was gone. And Jake lost contact with you then. You deleted your socials a few weeks after moving to Mapo, and Jack and Jimmy were the only two you kept in contact with, and mostly it was just Jack.

He didn't fault you for not keeping in touch with him. He knew you were trying to get away from anyone related to the Union after dealing with one of Baekjin's more unhinged groupies. And then getting dumped right after getting beat up had to suck.

Still, he assumed you and Baekjin would eventually meet again and rekindle the romance. He couldn't imagine you with anyone else, nor could he imagine Baekjin being okay with you being with anyone else.

Which was why he ran off to that diner. You were smiling so cutely at Wolf and he knew it'd be trouble. He knew Wolf. He knew how this man toyed with girls and then discarded them once he was done. He couldn't let you be another girl. For your sake and for Baekjin's sake.

And, yes, also for Wolf's sake. Because Baekjin would absolutely destroy Wolf if he found out he was messing with his girl.

Unfortunately, you had left by then, but he had your name and nothing but time. He eventually found out which classes you attended and had gone to meet with Dean and Timothy to see if he could run into you. He had Timothy ask around where you went, saying he had something of yours to return. No one questioned him and pointed Timothy to the café. So, Jake borrowed a scrunchie from a girl who gave him her number and had Dean approach you with it as an excuse. From there you got roped into conversation and got added to the group text.

And Jake made sure to bring up Baekjin a lot. He even had Dean call you "Baekjin's girl" to see if you'd remember him and forget all about Wolf or any other guy for that matter.

Weak Hero| Tour Guide [Wolf Keum x Reader, Donald Na x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now