We Met Once

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Summary: You finally tell Wolf that you two met in high school...


Wolf didn't know where you got that hoodie, but he knew you didn't buy it for yourself.

After you left him alone in your apartment, he got another hour of sleep before his sleep was disturbed by a text from Jake, setting up a meeting for a temporary mechanic gig. He enjoyed fixing his bike up as a hobby and had learned the basics for cars while he served. Oil change, brakes, rotors, filters, and so on, he could do, now if he needed to get into the motor and other inner components of the car then he was at a loss. Helping out a mechanic by taking on the smaller tasks wouldn't be a problem and he enjoyed working with his hands so he readily took the offer to meet up with Jake's contact. Now that he was officially cut off, he needed all the money he could get, so he was willing to take any jobs that came his way while he was waiting for the start of the next semester.

He searched for his things after he got up, so he could get ready to leave your apartment. That was when he spotted a few items here and there that looked expensive, although they were from a few years ago. He didn't mean to snoop. You just had no doors on your closet for some reason. He could only assume that it was due to the landlord's special, much like the painted-shut window in the living room that he was unable to open. He saw the hoodie on a hook on the back of your door. It was faded and worn, which was likely a result of frequent use and repeated washing over the years. Likely your go-to hoodie. He also saw an ugly jacket on a hanger that was clearly from some high-end designer brand, and upon closer inspection, he realized it was a man's jacket.

His jaw clenched when he saw the pattern on the jacket. It looked vaguely familiar, like the jackets he used to see Baekjin Na use back when he was in the Union. What a fucking coincidence.

Once he was done, getting ready, he didn't want you to think he was a disgusting and ungrateful slob, so he cleaned up after himself. Hoping that you'd have a favorable impression of him when you came back to a made bed and clean dishes and sink. And then maybe you'd invite him more often...

He left just as Jake's contact texted him, saying he was heading over to the auto shop.

Wolf tried to not think too much about the random items that were clearly left behind by an ex. Why you still kept them, he didn't know. What he did know, was that when you came out to meet him later, it had pissed him off to see you in some other man's hoodie.

So, of course, as soon as you took it off, he made sure to distract you so you'd forget about it.

He didn't toss it or even hide it. You really did just forget it and he did nothing to remind you that you left it at the bar.

You wouldn't need it anymore. You had his jacket now and he would make sure that you never thought about that fucking hoodie, ever again.


As soon as Wolf walked into the private room with you, he was greeted by Hayden Ma.

"Hey! Wolf, man, what's up?"

Wolf only spared Hayden Ma a glance.

He would show up occasionally to their little get-togethers because he and Chul had stayed in contact long after Ganghak pulled out of the Union. Hayden had transferred out of their high school so he could continue to participate in the Union. Once Wolf left, most of Ganghak did too. The handful of fuckers that wanted to hold on to that gangbanger bullshit had to leave, as Wolf would not grant them any peace while they were in his territory. Hayden was one of those that left, although, Chul kept in touch with him mainly because the two liked to party together. Chul had the money and Hayden had the connections.

Weak Hero| Tour Guide [Wolf Keum x Reader, Donald Na x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now