Chapter I Part II: The Sinful

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       I sat there in the bed looking at the ceiling looking pale and ready to vomit my guts out, as Demswell holds my hand sounding ready to cry again. I heard a door open then close, stayed focus on the ceiling. 

"Dr. Howard? what happened to him? he isn't speaking or closing his eyes." Monika says in complete worry. 

Dr. Howard clicked his pen again and again until he finally said "Listen dear, Admiral... He's going through a great deal of shock and from these symptoms, he is suffering a PTSD or Schizophrenia episode." 

      I just heard a faint deal of crying and my right hand being squeeze tightly, I just kept looking to the ceiling thinking if I did so I wouldn't see it... I was wrong, I distinctly hear scraping to the metal bars of the bed and then to the wall. A quick humanoid figure crawl up to the ceiling and twisted its head looking at me, it was Mercer but not like before... his body a decayed. face dried of blood and dirt still being able to smile at me then laughed again. I was to scared to move my head but he didn't give me a choice he dropped down to me then I freaked jumping my body up. 

         My body cold but I look to my right and saw Monika still holding my hand crying tons, I too, started crying leaving her hugging me again. I could hug her back and Dr. Howard left silently shutting the door behind him, I repeat the words I'm sorry over and over. Monika just kept crying on my chest and slowly she still cried but not so heavily, she pulled away and look at me.

"Everything's going, ok?" She said with a Sadden smile. 

I breathed hard and deeply said "Ok."

       I slowly pull the covers off myself covered in bandage wrap seeing scaring all over myself. Monika held me off the bed supporting me stand up right, I only keep thinking on what Mercer said to me, Sinner is the repeated phrase to him. I started to feel a spike in my head, but I open the door Monika tegs me out.

"You're coming with me and going my room."

       Monika has an infirmary for injury reason and yada yada I was in there a lot that's mainly how I got to meet her maybe the best moment of my life. She shut the door behind us dropping me on the bed I couldn't help but breath in and out heavily. Everything was hurting and my tight bandages all over me were suffocating me. Monika told me to hold still so she could take them off but I just clawing at my chest repeatedly until blood was dripping out of my nails. 

      Monika was panicking find scissors but pulled them out of a compartment leading to her cutting right through the wrap from my chest to my torso revealing a horrific picture, my body was scared greatly, and I couldn't but start breathing heavier again. But Monika noticed it and quickly hold my face telling me to calm myself and breath. 

      I breath like she instructed and after I little while I raised head then full body upwards looking at the tremor in my hands. I just stared blankly to my shaking hands then turn to Monika I was hesitantly trying to speak and finally said. 

"I... I saw shoot you and he-. he clim-...climbed up the F*cking ceiling." I said in a petrified tone.

      Monika just sat on the bed with me and hugging more still keeping my hands up and slowly she pulls down my hands rubbing her head on my shoulder. 

"Mercer is gone the operations done I saw his body; Jamar is in custody." 

I leaned my head on hers as she still hangs to me. then for some reason mentioned.

"Mercer... He called me a sinner as he shot you." Monika stays silent only hugging me tighter.

  I continued "What's going to happen to me?" 

"Your just in shock Dallas, you're ok. It just takes a bit." 

I sneered, "A men that's losing it to start seeing dead people isn't you would get off so easily."

Monika gentle puts me back onto the bed saying, "Just sleep lance otherwise I'll worry." 

I slowly drift myself to sleep saying to her "Night to you Aswell... sweet Monika."

       I slowly dream into a darken room not knowing where I am, until the darkness fades to a court room with me standing beside the jury then I realized the sudden Deja vu. years back in time in a court room that lead me to the Zulu company. I was accused of homicide, even though the man was right in front of everyone. 

       I sat in the seat looking motionless towards the crowd of people that have shown. I never thought after everything, I would go through a loop of how it started. I felt gaslit, that's how I started to believe I was sinned. I could only think that Mercer of all people he was right for calling my such... 

       I woke up but not shooting my head instantly. The reason why, Monika was holding me down. She was sleeping as she was hugging me making light snores, I brushed hair through hand. in that moment I moved face close to hers, I hug her back following back to sleep wondering what's the mornings going to be.

      I hear mumbles but I can't tell if I'm dreaming it or awake, I tossed and turned. finally open one eye sees someone, or something hunched over making mumbles to itself. I take Monikas arm off me and got up out of the bed coming closer to whatever it was, and I stretch my arm to it just to see a quick turn of its head looking straight at me. Mercer again looking like a skeleton but still made a smile through his jawbone. 

      I rush backwards freaking out grabbing a gun sitting on the nightstand aiming at it with shaken hands, but it stood up look dead at me, but he gotten tall by 3 feet and has he walk to me his limbs gained longer but darken his bones to where his to tall of the room, so he crawled instead. I was feeling to scared to shoot and he gotten so close he holds the guns barrel and hold it in his mouth. Hear the mumbles again it was the word sinner, needed to do something and as I squeeze that trigger, I close my eye much more until I hear.

"Admiral? Lance what are you doing?" Monika said I faced the gun in her direction.

       I just lost it Mercer was complete gone, if I take the shot. I stopped thinking a held the gun to my upper chin and I hear Monika jumping out of the bed hearing her saying to drop the gun... I'm sorry but I can't. control myself. I pulled the trigger back...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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