Chapter I Part I: The Sinful

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I practically dragged myself to my barracks falling face first into my quarters.

"You know, Dallas if you actually tried it might not be so bad here" Private Monika Demswell says to me.

"I kind of want to try sleeping, thank you very much." I say in an annoyed tone.

        I like the girl, Shes pretty and a fuckin beast at medical support, she snapped my wrist back in the right place after I fall off a ladder. I'm just not fond of people nowadays but she still walks away.

"So, what's up with you?" My Commanding Officer went.

"Sir? I honestly don't understand why I'm in this camp. It's been four years, commander." I'm starting to feel homesick I want to go back home.

"I understand you want to go home to your family and peers but... Are you fancy to protect your home?" he asked me.

"More than the word fancy to sir." I speak.

"Good son, then you can come help me and your pretty little friend Demswell with unloading our supplies, you two look good with each other." as the commander hits my back with a sinister smirk.

"Hey! It's not like that." The piece of work didn't even hear me and just left me standing there.

        Unloading the MREs and ammunition off the supply truck, I notice far out into the desert distance there are Humvees coming our way, there British, the three of us stop what we're doing and walk up to the pull in vehicles and see a soldier jump out of the Humvee slowly walking up to our commander until he stops a foot away from him looking dead in each other's eyes.

       Monika pulls on my sleeve then whispers in my ear saying, "I think we should walk back a bit." I just nod my head and we both take a few steps backwards from the two waiting for what will happen. 

      They pull up their sleeves, scaring the shit out of Pvt. Demswell and me they gave the intent of a goddam rival predators fighting over their prey. then in an instant the British soldier and the commander pull their right arms back and swing them back colliding with locking arms.

"Wait a minute" I said, these two bastards no each other.

"Ay how's the English bastard been?" the British soldier said with a cheerful smile.

"Ha this English bastard beaten you in the MACP so you should know I've been managing."

Well, I'm now surprised. "Who's these kids Richerd?"

My commander looks behind looking at me and Demswell "This is my medical specialist Pvt. Demswell and my assault pioneer adoptive-like son Admiral Lance or called as Dallas."

Demswell walks forward and salutes to British soldier "Much thanks sir" As she said that she turns her head to me and signals to do the same then I do the same with a saluting jester.

"Tango Mike sir."

"This right here you two, is Major-Sergeant Joseph, leader of the British army's alpha squad lead.

This is something, never seen Commander work with or talked about him before something special, I guess. "Hey! Officer Dallas" MS Joseph announces, "Yes Sir!" Wait how did he know my rank?

"Ah still full of energy, I was with Commander Dash at your graduation."

Hm that would make sense " And Dash told me all about you and progression with being like his right hand" Ha course.

" Ok enough of this distraction talk, Joseph time to talk operation." Operation huh wonder what.

"What's this operation sir." Ms.Demswell filled with excitement as ever.

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