Chapter 10: An Odd Feeling.

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Key Sheet:

Y/N: Your Name
E/C: Eye colour
H/C: Hair colour
F/O: Favorite Outfit
S/N: Stage Name

⚠️Blood, forced actions, abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, and Talking Bad About Self.⚠️

The gangbang lasted for about two hours.. It took absolutely everything out of you. You were so tired afterwards. After everyone left, you sat on the floor, sobbing your eyes out. Valentino then walked in, Vox at his side. You look up, the moth pimp crouches down to you. You back up into the bed's side, but he came closer..
He took your hand and had you stand up. You shake with fear, but he kisses your cheek...

"Wh-What..?" You ask, looking up at him. He smiles at you, Vox then does the same with your other cheek.. You were so damn confused..

'What is happening??' You wonder. They then took you into your room and shut the door. You stare.. You wanted to get out of there. You couldn't go to the couldn't go to Angel.. Maybe you could go to Cherri... But it wouldn't matter...wherever you'd go..they'd find you. You knew this. You'd been trying to leave for decades. just came back each didn't know why, but it frustrated you.

You grab a pillow and throw it into the wall, sighing. "Goddammit..." You mutter, picking up the pillow and setting it back down on the bed. You pack a backpack full of things you'd need.. Clothes, water, and a sleeping bag. You didn't know where you'd be going. But you wanted to get out of there. You put the backpack on, and leave through your window. You quickly run through the streets of Hell...

Demons catcalling you; people overall just being annoying. You sigh, then heard someone call your name... It was Vox... "Shit-"

"S/N!!!! GET BACK HERE!" The television faced demon shouts, he was getting closer..

"Fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!" You run faster, speeding up as you started to turn a corner. You realize you backed yourself into a dead end. "Oh God..." You mutter.. Looking behind you. You see Valentino and Vox, staring at you. You try climbing the wall, yet fail and fall down.

"S/N... What's wrong?" Valentino asks, looking confused.

"Everything! Literally everything is wrong!!" You shout, trying to back up further as they came closer. Vox was about to speak...but you heard a door open. Odd...there wasn't a door close to you. You close your eyes....and when you open them.. You were still in the same room that you were gangbanged in. Valentino stood in front of you, Vox next to him.

"E-Eh??? What- where.. Where am I??" You ask, covering your naked body. Valentino rolled his eyes, grabbing your face.

"You're in the studio sweetheart~" He smiles, before it turned to a frown. "Now shut the fuck up and get to work. Got it?"

"Yes Val." You nod, he let's you go and you stand up, grabbing your clothes, and running out of the room to your own room.. You shut the door behind you, slowly descending to the floor as you slide down the door. You gasp in air to stop the tears from falling down your face....but they fell anyway...

Gasping for air, you stop your ugly sobbing and stand up, still naked. You sigh, getting dressed in what you thought was a good outfit for work.. You still had a broken arm, which made it hard to do what you needed to do...
' I do my job?' You wonder.

You then step out of your room, headed to the stage...but Vox stops you.

"S/N, you're really going out in that?" He asks, crossing his arms.

𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓼 [Valentino x Vox x Trans Male Y/N] Where stories live. Discover now