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The moon shone high above the waves; the water shone bright. The sand shifted as the wind blew gently, shivering across the tide. The angel awoke, sitting up on the sand, and shaking out his bruised wings. Gingerly he rose, and looked around him. This was so different from heaven, he thought with a sigh. Fallen, that was what the archangel had said. Barred from heavens gates for a thousand years in punishment for his crime. The most forbidden act, and he had done it. Loved. Loved a human. Earthly, impure. He had shown her his glory. She was gone now forever, and he was bound to earth. Forced to live among mortals. 

Earth. Flawed, dark, filled with narrow minded mortals with much to learn. Mortals so much unlike her. She was so beautiful. So full of life. So fragile, and delicate, yet strong and resilient. And most of all she had lived him, with a passion and fervor that took his breath away. He had seen love over the centuries, but never like the love they had shared during their short time together.  

 He turned to make his way down the beach. He needed to start his new life immediately.

I fidgeted in my lab apron. It was experiment day in Chemistry, and lucky me, I was the only one without a lab partner. Great, I thought, I am so gonna fail.

I was just setting up my beaker and test tubes when Mr. Mendler called my name.

"Diana Steele,"

I looked up flipping my thick long red hair out of my green eyes...and almost fainted. Standing next to Mr. Mendler was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. He was tall, dark, with brooding eyes; black hair fell into those gorgeous eyes, brushing chiseled cheekbones. He had an athletic build, tall and muscular. All in all he was drop dead gorgeous.

"Miss Steele."

I realised I was staring. "Yes Mr. Mendler?" I hoped my apron didn't make me look hideous, which it probably did. I made my way to the front of the room, hurriedly taking off the hated apron, and shoving it behind me. Mr Mendler waved me to the front of the room, and gestured to the new student.

"Hi," I said. He simply nodded at me, his eyes travelling from my red hair down to my combat boots, and back up again. I blushed. Mr. Meldler told me that the boy was new, and asked me to feel welcome at the school. "Er... sure," I said. Just then the bell rang. The new boy followed me out into the hallway.

"So welcome to Pacific High," I said

"Thanks," he said turning to look at me.

"Well... um...," I glanced around. The school was emptying quickly, everyone eager to get on with their weekend. " You know, hope you enjoy it here, and all that... um..." I didn't really know what to say to the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. I glanced around again, and when I turned back to him, he was really close, his mouth an inch away from mine. A teasing smile lifted his lips.

"Cat got your tongue?"

I stepped back scrambling around in my head trying to figure out how to speak.


He chuckled, and stepped away. "See you later," he turned toward the exit.

I watched him go, speechless as he disappeared through the school doors. It wasn't until he was completely gone that I realised that I didn't know his name.

My weekend was spent for the most part trying to get him off my mind, trying to keep my best friend Sky from noticing that I was trying to keep him off my mind, and playing my baby grand piano until my fingers hurt, the latter was also an attempt to get him off my mind. The result was that I didn't get to sleep until two in the morning, Monday, and ended up stumbling into class late, and feeling like a zombie.

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