Under the Waves

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Chrome led me through the tunnel; up above me I could see the clear clue water through the glass ceiling. At the end of the tunnel was a heavy wooden door. When we reached it, Chrome stopped and took my hands in his, turning me toward him. "Close your eyes," he said softly.

"Why?" I whispered

"Trust me."

 I closed my eyes. The door scraped across the floor as he opened it. Tugging on my hands, he led me through it, and after telling me again to keep my eyes closed, he let go of my hands, and shut the door behind us. I shivered as I felt him come up behind me. He put his hands on my bare waist, and pulled me against his naked torso; his skin warm against my back. By this time I couldn't have opened my eyes if I wanted to; I was so deeply caught under his spell. Slowly he walked me forward, further into the room. The first thing I noticed was the sweet fragrance of flowers. Brushing my damp hair off my shoulder, and putting his lips close to my ear, Chrome whispered, "Open your eyes,"

I did.

And found myself leaning against Chrome for support, unable to speak.

Because under the water, under the boardwalk that I had known my entire life, was a garden. An honest to goodness garden. There were trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, a stone walkway, even fountains. All underneath the ocean. And in the middle. In the middle of the beautiful garden… I couldn’t believe my eyes. Suddenly I felt weak. This was impossible. Because in the middle of the garden, in perfect condition, gleaming in the soft blue light, was a Steinway grand piano.

How it got down there was beyond me. Ever musician knows that the slightest amount of moisture anywhere piano strings would ruin the tone and quality.

“Princess,” Chrome whispered in my ear.


"You're hyperventilating."

"Sorry," I said breathlessly, "But how...?"

"Beautiful," he murmured, and I found myself again unable to speak, as his hands were slowly caressing my bare torso.

I tried again, in an attempt to distract myself from the way Chrome was making me feel. 

"How... did this get down here?" I managed to choke out.

"I'm not sure," Chrome said, stepping away and taking my hand. "But it is beautiful isn 't it? A personal paradise."

"Paradise," I repeated, still slightly dazed. "Yeah."

I turned to look at Chrome, and found him staring at me, his eyes unreadable. Weird, I had always thought his eyes were gray, but for some reason, in this light, they looked... silver. 

I could practically feel the heat from his gaze, as his eyes slowly raked over my body; making me feel breathless, and very exposed. I shivered. 

"Umm... Chrome" I murmured. That seemed to be the one thing I could always figure out how to say around him

"Yeah?" He replied, the intensity of his gaze never wavering

"I'm wet..."

He blinked and stepped away, "Right," Walking to a corner of the room, he picked up what appeared to be a huge bundle of white fabric, but at second glance was a white gown. Long and billowy. Coming back over to me, he handed it to me. "Here," he said. "I won't look while you change," He turned to walk away.

"Umm... Chrome."

He turned back toward me. "You know you say that a lot." 

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, this is a gown." I said, handing it back to him.

He gave me a strange look, "Yes, I know that."

"How did it get down here?"

He laughed, "You ask a lot of questions."

Moving closer, Chrome hooked his finger under my bra strap, tugging it down off of my shoulder. "Do you need me to help you put it on?"

I stepped away, “Fine.” I snatched the dress away from him. “No peeking.”

I stomped away to change behind a rhododendron bush. It was a beautiful gown. A white flowing skirt, with a fitted waist, and an ornate row of silver rhinestones along the top of the bodice. I had hoped that it at least didn’t fit, so I would have something to complain about, but it fit like a glove. Raking my fingers through my hair which now hung in loose natural waves to my waist, I couldn’t help but feel beautiful.

I had just finished zipping up the dress, when I heard music. Soft piano music, but unlike anything I had ever heard. Slow and gentle, but there was an intensity behind the notes, a feeling that took my breath away. It made me want to laugh, cry, dance, and despair all at once. Slowly, taking care not to catch my skirt on any twigs, I made my way around the bush, and towards the piano in the middle of the room. Chrome was playing. Still wearing nothing but his damp jeans, his hair falling over his eyes, bent over the keys with an intensity that took my breath away.  

I approached him slowly, shyly, not wanting to disturb him; but as if he could sense me behind him, his fingers stilled on the keys and he pivoted on the piano bench to face me. His eyes darkened as I approached, and he stood and came towards me.

“Why did you stop playing?” I asked him, “It was beautiful.”

“No,” he said taking my hand, “You are beautiful.”

I blushed, once again unable to speak.

Shyly I glanced up into his eyes. "Did you get contacts?" I asked.

He gave me a questioning look, "No, why?"

"Nothing, I just thought your eyes were gray, but in this light they look silver. I've never seen eyes like that."

"So you've been looking at my eyes, Princess?" he teased.

"I- I..." I stuttered.

Chrome smiled, "I've been looking at you,"  he said. "I notice everything about you."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure..."

"I notice the way you look up through your eyelashes when you're nervous, the way the right corner of your mouth smiles more than the left side, the way you play with your hair when you're bored, the way your breath catches when you're close to me."

I blushed. 

Taking my hands in his, Chrome pulled me close to him. "You're so beautiful," he murmured. 

I just shook my head, "That's not true," I murmured.

He put his hand under my chin, and pulled my head up so I was looking at him. "Why do you say that, Princess?" he asked me.

I just shook my head, "I've never really been pretty," I mumbled.

"Nonsense," he said, "Look at you," he reached up and brusned his fingers through my hair, "Beauiful hair," reaching up, he carressed my cheek, " Startling green eyes," then reaching down to wrap his arms around my waist, he leaned close, and murmured, "Lips to die for."

And then his lips were against mine.

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