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(Marie's Pov)

The drive to the mystic Grill was worse than I could have imagined.

One thing you should know when Julie is in the mood to act like she's in fast and furious nothing and I mean nothing is going to stand in her way.

The second the car was stopped I jumped out of the car and attached myself to the nearest wall.

Julie soon stepped out shaking her head as if I was being dramatic and come on me dramatic puh-lease.

"Bitch calm down I wasn't even going that fast" Julie said walking toward me while rolling her eyes.

"We almost died like ten times!" I yelled, making the group of people walking into the Grill look at me weird.

"I'm sorry, do you have a problem?" Julie asked staring dead in the eyes of one of the girls in the group.

"Uh no I jus-" the girl tried to reply looking nervous.

"Then quit fucking staring" I snapped Stepping away from the wall and towards her making Julie grab my arm.

The girl stood shocked for a second before being dragged into the grill by someone else in her group.

"Basic ass bitch the hell she staring at always in other people business" I said rather loudly making sure she heard me.

"Great, we've been in town for ten seconds and we've already made enemies," Julies sighed, catching a few people from the group glaring at us.

"Sorry" I replied with my head down thinking she was mad at me. My temper always seems to get me into trouble at the worst possible times.

"Oh no honey I'm not mad at you they totally deserved that" Julie hurriedly replied placing her hand back on my arm.

"Oh yeah they definitely did" I said lifting my head and nodding along to what she said.

"Do you still want to eat here?" she asked, staring at me. I knew if I even hinted that I was uncomfortable eating here she would have us in the car and driving somewhere else before I could even say bitch, please.

"Nah I'm good I didn't survive that car ride just to back down because someone's mommy didn't tell them that staring was rude" I told her rolling my eyes making her giggle lightly.

"Okay whatever you say" Julie replied shrugging her shoulders.

Julie being the mother she made her way towards the door and ushered me inside ahead of her.

"Booth or a table?" I asked, turning my head towards her completely oblivious to the group of people sitting at the bar.

"Booth" We both replied at the same time making us fall into a giggling fit as we walked to the table we wanted.

For some odd reason Julie and I always sat side by side and never in front of each other. She always pushed me in first, so I sat next to the wall. I'm not sure why but it always made me feel secure and protected whenever she did. Though we both know if something were to happen, I would be the one throwing the punches.

Julies never really was the fighting type, but she was never afraid to throw a punch if needed.

"What are you thinking about ordering?" Julie asked eyes focused on the menu.

"I'm thinking of cookie dough shake and fries. What about you?" I replied already knowing what she was going to order.

"Cheeseburger extra bacon with tomatoes on the side" I said at the same time as her making her chuckle and roll her eyes at me.

I made fun of her for it, but I knew she always got extra bacon because I would always steal a bite of her food and tomatoes on the side because I didn't like them.

Just like how I would always get Cookie dough even though I favored chocolate because it was her favorite.

A plate and a cup were placed on the table making both Julie and I look up confused.

"Oh, um we didn't order this" Julie told the waiter thinking it was a mistake.

"Oh, I know it's from that group by the bar, The burger will be out soon." The waiter told us not looking happy while explaining.

"Wha?" I half said distracted by the delicious smell of fries on the plate.

"Oh well thanks" Julie said awkwardly as the waiter boy walked away.

I slowly took a sip realizing that it was a Cookie dough shake and fries exactly what I was going to order.

I looked at Julie in surprise only to see her staring off toward the bar upon further inspection I realized she was staring at one specific person who was also staring right back at her.

He was a rather handsome man exactly like Julie's type; might I add he had a stoic look on his face and was also wearing a perfectly tailored suit that suited him quite well......get it suited...Okay I'll stop.

Looking at the others he was sitting with I realized everyone at the bar was unfairly beautiful in fact my eyes couldn't seem to leave one particular person making their way up from their shoes past the no-no zone to an unfairly chiseled chest then on to plus pink lips and until finally landing on beautiful dark almost black eyes.

I startled for a second realizing he was staring back at me embarrassed as I was caught ogling until I caught his eyes looking me up and down too.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever letting the world pass by like there was nothing on earth that could disturb us.

At least until something was slammed down onto the table making both Julie and I jump.

"And here is that burger extra bacon and tomatoes on the side" The waiter boy explained looking bored before leaving.

Julie and I looked at each other than the burger before looking back at the table only for the guys to be looking away and talking to each other.

"What just happened?" I asked confused questioning my entire existence.

"I have no idea," Julie said, taking a bite of her burger before handing it off to me giving me a bite.

"Huh" I grunted taking a bite.

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

It seems our girls have met certain someone's. 😉

Hope you guys enjoyed.

Haven a good day/night.

Bye Bye


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