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(Marie's Pov)

After the strange encounter at the Grill Julie and I had decided it would be a good idea to try and find somewhere to live.

"It should not be this hard to find a house!" Julie exclaimed, looking as frustrated as I felt.

We had been looking for anything for what had felt like hours.

"Are you guys looking for somewhere to live?" A voice neither Julie nor I seemed to recognize asked.

We both turned to see a boy with brown hair and big brown eyes staring down at us. Even though he was obviously buff and taller than us he looked like a cinnamon roll.

"Uh yeah we are?" I replied with a questioning tone.

"Well, my friend is actually wanting to rent out some of her rooms. If you're interested, I can have her meet us somewhere." The Cinnamon roll asked staring down at us with his big brown puppy eyes.

I looked at Julie only to see her staring straight back at me. Even though we didn't say a word to each other a lot was said.

We didn't know this person and for all we knew he could have been a serial killer disguised as a Cinnamon roll. But we had been looking for somewhere to stay for hours and it was getting dark out, and I would rather die than be caught sleeping on a park bench somewhere.

"Okay puppy lets meet this friend of yours" I finally answered back.

He looked at me surprised before a large smile broke out onto his face making him look even softer than I thought was possible.

"Great! I'll call her. And my name's Jeremy by the way." He exclaimed obviously excited.

"Well nice to meet you puppy I'm Marie and this is Julie" I replied with a smirk on my face.

"Maire" Julie said in that tone that made me feel like I was getting scolded by my mother.

"But look at him he just looks like a puppy" I whined with a pout already forming on my face.

'Puppy' laughed with an amused look on his face "It's okay with me, only if i get to call you Marigold though" He replied with a smile.

"Like the flower?" I questioned; I could see the connection of the names.

"Yeah, like the flower" he told me with a smile on his face.

"Deal!" I exclaimed pushing my hand out towards him with a large smile on my face.

He shook my hand before pulling his phone out and stepping off to the side to call his friend.

Turning my head, I could see Julie looking at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow not that I could blame her. I wasn't one to give nicknames to people I just met.

"Look at him, he's a cinnamon roll!" I explained making her laugh at me.

She nodded her head at me obviously seeing what I did. "I didn't say anything" She laughed.

"Your face did" I deadpanned looking at her with a blank expression.

She smirked at me, opening her mouth to say something just as Jeremy walked back over to us.

"So, she says if you're both comfortable with it we can meet up at her house." Jeremy explained looking at us with an expression that seemed like he was expecting us to say no.

"Sure, do we need to drive there?" Julie answered for us making him look at us surprised.

"Um she lives just down the street we could walk if you want?" He asked slowly.

"It would probably be best to drive, our bags are in the car and if we do end up staying with your friend it would be easier to already have them with us" I explained making both of them nod at me.

"We can give you a ride if you want?" Julie asked Jeremy softly.

"Yeah, that'd be great thanks!" Jeremy replied with a wide smile on his face.

"Great cars this way!" Julie started, ushering us towards where we parked the car.

"Let's hurry, it's starting to get dark out," She explained, trying to get us to walk faster.

"Yes mom" both Jeremy and I said at the same time making us look at each other in surprise before busting out laughing.

Julie being her just smiled and rolled her eyes at us making us laugh even harder.

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

HEY! Looks like we've adopted a cinnamon roll. Hope your excited to meet Jeremy's "Friend"!

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day/night.

Bye Bye 


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