Nightmares Glacier angst + Fluff Mostly Angst

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Cole dashed through the hallways looking for Zane he was very worried and hated wanting to find him.

*god i hate this*

ZANE! Where are you!? I hate looking for you and i feel like you know that!

he began to slightly cry but continued to run he ran through the rooms no one was there but he couldn't care about them right there he had to find zane and when he couldn't find him he was terrified.

*Where did everyone go where is zane what time is it where can i go Where is zane are they okay is zane okay? are they going to be hurt should i stay here? what if they're dead? What if zane is-* coles thoughts were interrupted by a voice 


cole turned looking at where the voice came from.




It was Zane.. 

cole was so relieved he ran to zane but zane ran away from him cole tripped but zane still ran, cole immediately got up and ran towards zane calling his name.

Zane! Come back! Where have you been!? Don't leave! Zane!

zane ran into a room and cole immediately opened the door and looked for zane when he spotted Zane he was on a balcony sitting on the railing... Coles eyes widened 


he held out an arm and look a small step towards him

zane looked at cole smiled turning and slightly tilting his head smiling he had no pupils just light those.. bright light blue eyes calm and soft....

But the second cole moved his arm and took his step...Zane mouthed something then...




Zane jumped off.

Cole jerked up sweat and tears running down his face the room was hot, and his face was warm his breath was erratic he was in his room he was so confused then panicked. He jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, dashing though the hallway and into the room he was so worried about Zane and opened his door and was hit with cold air and looked at the bed, Zane was there sleeping peacefully the soft hum of machinery filling the air.

Cole collapsed and covered his face and cried smiling, he was so happy that Zane was okay and just kinda cried, he then wiped his face and calmed down. Cole got up and walked towards Zane he wanted to make sure he was 100% okay and touched his face, Zane was there Cole was really relieved and kissed Zanes forehead. And just kinda sat there with Zane he wanted to make sure Zane was really okay. 

About 2 hours later the sun began to rise and Zane woke up kinda stretching when he looked around Cole was there, Zane was surprised and confused he and decided not to wake him up since he was asleep. Zane got up and when he realized he had to change and kinda decided he had to wake him up. Zane walked over to Cole and kinda poked at him and when that didn't work, he decided to lightly shake Cole. And it worked, Cole stirred awake and when he woke up and opened his eyes and saw Zane sitting there, calm and patiently waiting. Cole immediately jumped and hugged Zane pulling him close. Zane was surprised and kinda confused..

!!... Cole? Is there something wrong?

Cole didn't answer and Zane realized that Cole didn't really want to speak and Zane respected that and just hugged him back being there for him.

They sat there hugging and just sitting there, comforting each other...

The End... :)

heya thanks for reading sorry i haven't been posting and sorry for no song with this song i have school and im sick soooo yeahhh also i have like a test today as well but i hope you enjoyed this it actually took me a while to see if zane owuld liek shake or pokeor whatr eh would do to wake someone up and at first i thought he would leave him alone but i feel like zane would change in his room and would feel a bit strange to change with someone else in the room and i just ended up with him at first poking him and then slightly shacking him yeah so thats a small funfact anyway thanks :)- Katrina <3

Word count:700

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