Getting settled.

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Dipper smiled and hugged him back. "Miss me much?" he said, laughing a little bit. He let go of him and went into the kitchen and put up everything. "I'll go out later and look at some furniture"

"Can I come?" He asked as he flew into the kitchen behind dipper. He glanced around the kitchen to see what ideas he could get for the furniture to buy. "And we should get some paint too. " he said as he looked at the tan walls.

Dipper smiled as he nodded and went back into the living room. He went upstairs and looked at the two bedrooms. Is he going to want his own? He looked down from the staircase and signaled for Bill to come upstairs.

Bill ran up the steps and good beside Dipper. "Yes?" He asked as he didn't know why he was called up there. He saw two open doors and they were both bedrooms.

"Are you going to want your own room?" he asked as he walked into one and then into the other. If he doesn't, we could always turn it into a guest room, he thought. Dipper went back out to the hallway and wondered what Bill would pick.

Bill grabbed onto dipper quickly as he walked out of the room. "I wanna share with you." He said super fast with no hesitation. He nuzzled his face on dipper and looked up at him. "Don't make me sleep alone dipper." He said desperately, for he always slept alone.

Dipper smiled and felt Bill cling on tight to him. "Alright, alright" he said as he pried him off a little. "We can share a room together if that's what you want". A little bit of time past and they went to the furniture store to look around and maybe buy something for the new house.

Bill was embarrassed from what he had done earlier. "Sorry about earlier, dipper. " he said shyly. Bill was looking around at the couches and counters around them. They all seemed normal, he wanted something to stand out.

Dipper looked around and fell on to one of the beds and started giggling. Furniture stores are weird, he thought as he sat up and watched Bill be really picky about everything. He stood up and went up to him. "You are like giving everything a death glare. Is something the matter?"

Bill had his arms crossed and he looked up at dipper. "Nothing is standing ou-" he paused his words as he saw a certain chair. It was huge and different from all the others. Bill pointed at it "it's flawless dipper!" He said with excitement.

Dipper watched Bill freak out like a little kid in a candy shop. He nodded and looked at Bill. "You can get it if you want" he said as he walked past him and looked back at the bed frames. They needed to get something to sleep on and he wasn't going to get something crazy like Bill wanted.

Bill chuckled and called over a clerk. The chair had a long back part and was just bills style. He knew it was crazy, he just wanted one thing like that. The clerk came over and they talked. Bill bought the chair and when no one was looking, he snapped and it went to their new home.

Dipper looked at a few things and ended up buying enough stuff for now. Afterwards, they went back to the house and Dipper went upstairs and smiled at their new room. It was simple but nice.

Bill walked in behind dipper and smiled. "I like it." He said. He then traveled downstairs into the living room. He wanted dipper to follow now that they finally were away from all problems.

Dipper went downstairs not too long after and sat on the couch. "The place looks so nice" he said as he laid down on it and shut his eyes softly. He was just happy that Bill didn't have to sleep outside ever again. Dipper wondered if he would live here with Bill until he died.

Bill sat beside dipper. He lifted his head, and rested it on his lap. Bill took off dippers hat and placed it on the arm of the couch. He then placed a hand on dippers hair and smiled down at him.

Dipper shut his eyes softly and felt Bill take off his hat. He smiled softly to himself and wondered if Bill really was happy. He didn't want Bill to just be doing this so that Dipper could be happy. He wanted them both to be happy.

Bill was happy. He mostly wanted dipper to be though. Because when dipper was happy, bill was. Bill lifted up dippers bangs and saw his birth mark. He smiled a bit and rubbed a thumb along it.

Dipper looked up at him and blushed a little. His eyes went up and wondered what he was doing. "Do you like it here?" he asked, hoping he would answer truthfully. "Please be honest"

"I would always be honest, dipper. " he said. "I love it here." He smiled and kept looking at the birth mark. "So that's why they call you dipper, huh.." He said to himself aloud.

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