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Bill kissed back hard and smiled. "I love you so much as well." He connected them again and blushed. Not wanting to leave his side.

Dipper broke the kiss again and smiled. He got up and put away the medical supplies and then went upstairs. He was still pretty excited about tomorrow but was also nervous. Dipper had saved up a lot of money for this gift so he hoped Bill liked it. He still was worrying about that. Dipper went back downstairs and smelled glue under the couch.

Bill was laying on the couch and guarding the gift. He saw dipper and smiled. "Pine tree, want to go on a walk?" He asked as he stood up. And held out his hand. It was a sunny day and few cloud were in the sky. Bill thought it was a good idea.

Dipper smiled and nodded. It would be nice to get out of the house for a little while, he thought as he took his hand and they went outside. Dipper bit his lip a little and saw that they weren't the only ones who decided to go outside. He looked back at Bill and wondered if this was a good idea. "Can they like, see us?" he asked, not sure how that worked.

"In our human forms. Yes." He said and pulled dipper close. Gravity falls was openly gay and they wouldn't mind the two doing that. Bill guided dipper into the woods and to the blue tree once more. "Remember this.." He smiled.

Dipper followed him and looked up at the tree. He smiled but for some reason seemed sad. I should've gone home that night, he thought to himself as he went up to the tree and rubbed his hand on it. I guess we all make mistakes, he thought as he looked over at Bill and wondered why he had taken him back here. Dipper looked back up at the tree. Pine tree, he thought as he felt tears form in his eyes.

Bill wrapped his arms around dipper "w-we can leave if you want." He suggested as he saw dipper get emotional. He didn't know why but he didn't want dipper upset. "It's okay my pine tree.."

Dipper smiled and hugged Bill back. "Thank you for taking me here" he said softly as he wiped his eyes. "This place will always have a dear place in my heart" he said as he smiled softly and kissed Bill softly. Dipper looked around again and wondered how he had gotten lost here. I'm so stupid, he thought, knowing town was only about 50 feet from here. Dipper smiled and did kind of wanted to go home.

Bill smiled and quickly picked dipper up in his arms bridal style. He smirked and kissed dippers neck twice. He started walking and then soared in the air holding him. He jumped from roof to roof until he reached the house. He swung in from the window and laughed as he held dipper tight. "Home!"

Dipper looked terrified but some how didn't freak out. He got up and fell over. He was really dizzy now. He grabbed the dining table and pulled himself up and rubbed his head. Dipper smiled a little and went upstairs. He was kind of tired so he decided to take a nap. After a few hours, a bolt of lightning flashed outside and Dipper jolted up. Crap.

Bill heard it and jolted upstairs to dipper. He remembered how much dipper disliked it, so he hugged him tight. "It's okay dipper it's just nature.." He said softly and ruffled dipper hair.

Dipper hugged onto Bill tightly but didn't know how he knew he was afraid of lightning and thunder. He nuzzled into Bills neck and jumped every time lightning hit the ground with a crash of thunder. Dipper never was fond of it for a few reasons. He looked up but soon shut his eyes tightly again and grabbed on to Bills shirt tight.

Bill kissed dippers head a lot and blushed. "It'll be okay.." He said softly. This was why no one was outside earlier. He hugged tighter and didn't let go of dipper. "Sh.." He tried to calm him.

Dipper didn't calm down all that much but it was nice having Bill there to comfort him. The lightning didn't stay around for too long and it soon just started to rain. Dipper was asleep on Bill lap, fast asleep. He had his head buried in his stomach and was tightly holding on to Bills waist.

Bill yawned and fell asleep sitting up for dipper. He had dreams and they passed onto dipper. Soon the rain stopped and the sun came up. Bill opened his eyes to see dipper in his lap. He snapped and the gift sat beside them. Bill decided to let him sleep as long as needed.

An unexpected turn of events.Where stories live. Discover now