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Dipper was already starting to get tired. He yawned a little and went upstairs. He got dressed in something more comfortable to wear to bed. Dipper sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his eyes. "Can we go ahead and go to sleep?" he asked, a lot tired than he should be

Bill snaps and is ready for bed, he sits beside dipper. "Of course, are you alright dipper?" He alls concerned and touched his shoulder.

"Yes. I'm fine, just tired" he said as he laid down, not really all the good in a mood anymore. Dipper soon fell asleep and had a bad dream but didn't cause him to wake up at all. In the morning, he slept in more than he should have and didn't get around to make breakfast.

Bill was up when he was supposed to be, and he was making breakfast for dipper. Bill knew something was going on with him lately. He didn't seem himself, 'maybe the food will help.' He thought as he put the eggs and bacon on a plate and headed to their room.

Dipper sat up and rubbed his eyes and felt awful. He laid his head back down and didn't want to get up. He threw the covers over his head and knew he was probably sick. Dipper rolled over and felt his stomach twist. How did I get sick? Oh well.

Bill walked in the room. He lifted the covers from Dippers head and looked at him. He placed the plate on the dresser and put a hand on dippers warm forehead. "Do you feel okay?" He asked concerned.

"I feel sick to my stomach" he said as he took the covers back and put them back over his head. "I'm cold" he said as he shivered a little and wanted to be left alone for some reason. Dipper just wanted to stay under here forever.

Bill rubbed dippers arm "there's eggs and bacon on the dresser if you're feeling it." He said softly and pulled the blankets down, kissing dippers lips gently and put the blanket back over his head. Bill left, giving him some alone time.

Dipper felt bad about not being all that nice to Bill but he was sick and didn't know what he was suppose to do. He eventually got up but he had fallen asleep so it was late in the afternoon now. He got up and went downstairs, hoping Bill wasn't mad at him.

Bill was watching the tv. He didn't notice dipper was there and he seemed to have tear stains on his cheeks. It looked like he was crying earlier and now he was leaning on the arm of the chair.

Dipper saw a glimpse of his face and felt so much more worse. He knew he would just make it worse if he asked so he went back upstairs silently so he wouldn't hear or see him. Dipper sat down on his bed and buried his face into his hands.' I hate myself so much,' he thought.

Bill heard the pounding of the steps, he knew dipper was there. He wiped off his face and sighed "I just don't know what I have to do.." He thought. Bill wanted to help dipper, but didn't know how to handle human emotions.

Dipper knew he had to just go downstairs and talk to him. He went down and saw Bill and tired to smile. "Is everything alright?" he asked as he saw that he had been crying. He wiped his eyes and wondered what had happened.

Bill hugged dipper fast and didn't let go "I want to help you.." He said quietly and closed his eyes sorrowfully.

Dipper kind of got shocked but he hugged him back. "I'm alright. I promise" he said as he smiled softly and covered his mouth and coughed a little. Dipper let go of him a little and felt sick again.

"I don't know what to do. Do you new something or do I have to do something..?" He asked and looked down a little. "I don't understand." He repeated and sighed.

"I'm okay, I just need to lay down on the couch." He said as he went over and laid down. Dipper shut his eyes a little, still pretty tired. He knew bill didn't know how sickness worked, so he didn't try to explain it.

Bill scooted over so there was space for dipper. He patted beside him and as dipper laid down, bill placed his head on his lap. Bill ruffled his hair and yawned a little, he barely slept.

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