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Hara's pov

I grabbed my shoes, quickly putting them on, and running out of the room, ignoring the droplets of water that had formed around me. Halfway through, I was met with Junhee, carrying an unconscious Yoonseo.

My brows furrowed 'What happened?'

'I don't know, we heard her scream, apparently she fell.' He carried her into the infirmary. Where Nahee sat on one of the other beds.

She asked what happened to the girl, and Junhee replied the same thing he told Hara. 'We should probably let her rest for now.' I said while making my way to the door. Junhee, Jungwon, and Hyerin all followed suit.

I turned around as I felt a tap on my shoulder. 'Hey, are you okay? You looked pretty shaken earlier.' My sister asked, concern laced in her voice.

'Yeah, I just didn't take my pills, and you know how it gets with the stress and stuff' I hated lying to my sister. But I couldn't just tell her that I saw a ghost and that I tried talking to it.

She nods 'You should tell me if you don't feel well, and if u can't find me tell Kyungjun.' She turns around, leaving me in the center of the place, with the creepy statue staring down at me.

Speaking of Kyungjun, where is he? I haven't seen him since his little tantrum earlier this morning. He'll probably get over it, he always does.

I tuck my hands into my pocket, walking up the stairs. When I reach the top, I bump into someone. It was Wooram. For some reason, he always had this unsettling look on his face.

'I'm sorry, I didn't see you' He apologized, running down the stairs. Why was he in such a hurry?

Speaking of the devil, a certain boy was standing in front of my door, an empty cigarette in between his lips.

'Where were you, I searched everywhere' He takes one last drag before he throws it on the floor, stomping it with his foot.

'At the pool' I replied swiftly. I made my way to the door, only for him to block it with his arm.

'I think we need to talk, like seriously Hara' Why was he getting all serious on me?

'Yeah, I think we do actually' I pushed his hand away, opening the door. He followed me into the room and slammed the door after him.

'Look-' He started but I immediately cut him off. 'Why did you hide your phone, why did you hide mine? Do you know how risky that was? Now everyone is pointing their silly little finger at us because of the stunt you pulled. Honestly Kyungjun I love you but you need to start thinking before -'

'What did you say?' He took a step closer to me, as I took a step backward.

' I said that your reckless behaviour-' He cut me off 'No, no before that. You said you loved me.'

My cheeks formed a deep shade of pink. If I could sink to the floor right now, I would.

'This is the first time you've actually said it to me' He whispered, closing the gap between the two of us.

'Stop acting like you don't know that I love you-' His lips crashed against mine, barely giving me the time to process. His lips surprisingly tasted like mine -which wasn't surprising honestly- considering he always stole my chapstick.

He cupped my face with both hands as he deepened the kiss. Just as I was about to pull away, the door opened. It was Seungbin.

We both pulled away, as he just stood there, with a shocked expression on his face.

'You idiot, don't you know how to fucking knock' Kyungjun cursed under his breath.

'It's not the first time he has seen us together though' Both their heads shot to me as soon as the words left my mouth.

DEVIL'S ADVOCATE | GO KYUNGJUNWhere stories live. Discover now