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Hara was lost in her thoughts about Jisoo and barely paid attention to the conversation. 

She wondered if she had acted differently, could it have made a difference? 

Suddenly, Yoonseo and Kyungjun started bickering about proof, and Yoonseo brought up  a surveillance room in the basement where everything might have been filmed. 

This caught everyone's attention. 

If there really was a camera, they could finally identify who the mafia was.

 So, the group of students started moving towards the basement, and Hara and Kyungjun followed them.

'Do you really think that there's a camera?' Kyungjun asked the girl beside her.

'I hope so, that way, we can finally eliminate the mafia's.' 

Hara slowed down her pace. Searching her pockets. She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of it. As she placed it in between her lips, Kyungjun snatched it from her. 

'Nah ah, no cigarettes for you baby.' 

Hara pouted, jokingly stomping her feet. She took his arm, turned him around, and snatched the cigarette from him, booping his nose in the process. 

She then sprinted down the hallway, with Kyungjun shouting her name at the other end of it.


The group was gathered around Jungwon, who was typing away furiously on her computer.

 'Mensa, work faster. You're so damn slow.' Seungbin sighed in exasperation. Without taking her eyes off the screen, Jungwon corrected him, 'It's Mensan, and I just turned it on.'

Hara snickered, which earned her a few disapproving looks from her classmates. Everyone leaned in closer in anticipation. 

Jungwon inched closer to her screen 'What's this?' She typed a few keys on the keyboard.

'There are no files. Someone deleted them." Yoonseo shook her head and asked, "Are they saved somewhere else? Look again.' Jungwon replied.

'No, they're really gone. They weren't even formatted automatically.'

'Wait, so what does that mean?' Hyerin asked curiously.

'It means that someone deleted them.' Hyunho replied. 

Multiple sighs could be heard around the room. 

'Wow, Lee Yoonseo. You trolled us all.' Kyungjun said, running a finger through his hair. 

'Gosh, you mafia jerks. Did you delete them all?' 

Yoonseo defended herself. 'It's not like that.'

'As if it isn't. You and Junhee defended Wooram from the start. You showed up late because you deleted the files. You just pretended you didn't.'

'It's not like that!' Yoonseo yelled back. 

Hara believed her. She didn't think that Yoonseo was capable of being the Mafia. It just didn't make any sense. 

Yoojoon stepped in. 'Yoonseo, how did you know we could see the footage from here?'


Yoojoon continued. 'You know because you went looking to delete the files.'

'No... what? I - I came across this place by chance.'

'Right, if she deleted the files, why would she have brought us here?' Junhee defended her. 

'She doesn't even know how to do this.' Jungwon said. 

'It's game over, I voted.' Kyungjun waved his phone in front of her. 

'No, wait Kyungjun!'

Go Kyungjun voted for Lee Yoonseo.

Kim Jinha, Shin Seungbin, and Cha Yoojoon voted for Lee Yoonseo.

Hara stared at her phone in shock. She didn't expect Kyungjun to vote for Yoonseo, and even less for the others to follow him. 

'Guys wait, I'm really a citizen!' Yoonseo pleaded. 

'I'll prove that I am, just- just give me until tonight. Please.'

Jungwon turned around. 'I'll restore the files. Give me some time.'

Hara turned around, looking at Yoonseo. 'You prove your innocence, and I'll try to convince the other group that you aren't the Mafia.' She gave her hand a light squeeze. 


< I'll restore the files by 11 P.M. Let's vote then.>

Hara locked her phone and put it in her pocket before slowly making her way into the cafeteria. However, as she ascended the staircase, she was stopped by none other than Dabum.

'Hi, Dabum.' she greeted him, but he only responded with a quiet 'Hello.'

Hara felt a strange vibe around him and asked, 'Did you need something?'

'I... I don't think so. See you later' He stuttered before running down the stairs and disappearing.

Hara shrugged and thought to herself, "Weird boy."

Hara finally made her way into the cafeteria, to see a lot more people than she thought she would. 

'What is this, an anti-bullying group reunion?' No one replied to her joke, even though she found it funny. 

She scoffed, before looking Kyungjun in the eyes.

'Kyungjun, a word?' 

She left the room without waiting for his response, even though she heard Seungbin and Jinha teasing him about being in trouble.

A few seconds later, he stood next to her, leaning against the door.

'Why did you vote for Yoonseo?' 

Kyungjun sighed. 'All the proof led to her, what was I supposed to do!' 

'First of all, don't yell at me, second, You could have waited until midnight, like we always do. I understand that after what happened with Dabum you have your guard up, but try thinking this through next time, okay?'

He nodded, turning around. 

'Kyungjun, wait!'

As he turned around, she kissed his lips softly. 'I trust you.' 

That made a smile come to his lips. 

Hara spent the rest of the day with her friends, Hyerin and Hyunho. They hung out in Hara's room and brainstormed ideas for double dates.

'Oh, maybe we could get them to wear couple outfits.' Hara giggled. 

'No way, over my dead body.' Hyunho replied.

Hyerin sat up 'Maybe we should let him and Kyungjun wear matching shirts!' 

They all laughed, falling into a comfortable silence. 

Their phones dinged, and Hara checked the notification.

< I've restored the files, meet us in the basement.>

'Let's go' 


Author's chit-chat

I guess I owe you guys an apology for not posting for so long...

But, I've read the comments all this time and I just want to say thank you so much for all the love and support!

Anyways this chapter was kind of a filler chapter, soorryyyyy

Hope you had a fun time reading!!!

- jen 

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