|CHAPTER 4: Animatronic atrocity|

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(It was nightmare night and Hitch was ready to go out and take sparky out for candy)

Hitch: (Groans) well time of that nightmare night again

(Sparky ran out of his room as a pirate mostly he was happy for nightmare night)

Sparky: Hey dad im ready for nightmare night

Hitch: Oh hey sparks, Yeah i know you are like always

Sparky: Yep come on let's go...

(Later at the crystal brighthouse Zipp was on the computer looking up history about the "Roger's wonderworld building she was looking in wiki's and other sites, and pipp walked in)

Pipp: Hey-ya sis you ready for the spooky time of this day

Zipp: Uhh a bit later pipp

Pipp: What are you doing on the computer this time?

Zipp: I was looking on the wikis about that building

Pipp: Why it's not that special mostly just a old place we went too

Zipp: But i know something is odd

(Sunny, Izzy and Misty come in)

Sunny: So everypony ready for nightmar-Uhh Zipp what are you doing

Zipp: Just research

Izzy: But it's boooooring to do

Zipp: Just about that building those animatronics mostly turns out it was open around when the three pony kinds were together but when the three pony kinds separated the place shut down mostly being left to rot for a long time

Pipp: Does that explain why they're a bit messy and a bit broken?

Sunny: I've actually always wonder that

Izzy: Me too it's like being stung by bees but just being a robot....is that even painful? Zipp: Izzy no funny right now, this is odd what the history about these robo-

Izzy: Animatronics!

Zipp: Same words

(Later during midnight some ponies were walking around just doing they're nightmare night thing and during that time the Animatronics were out walking But Roger was not with them for unknown reasons, Then they split up Sam and Tarry go to zephyr heights and Barzen goes to Bridlewood and Kacy and bret move to maritime bay)

(Later Posey was walking around maritime bay minding her own business till she bumps into kacy)

Posey: hey watch it you (she looks up how tall kacy was) You......you......uhhhh

(Kacy just stands there and binks looking down at the yellow earth pony then Kacy removes her mask to reveal her robotic head that was scary was heck)

Posey: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Posey runs off screaming as kacy puts her mask back one and keeps going)

(Later Sam and Tarry were in zephyr heights in the station there were ponies there but they just though Tarry and Sam were just ponies in suits then the both animatronics split up as there was a party going on in The Royal Palace for nightmare night sam only went while tarry went somewhere else)

(Inside of the palace just ponies talking and Star smike was saying how this place was good but the style looked bad as sam watched Star smike)

Star smike: Like this place is good but the style it's just bad like are terrible this style is

Thunder: Look sir we know you say its bad

Zoom: But it's just an opinion dont really gotta yell at anypony for this

Thunder: You even yelled at a foal

Star smike: Sure but my opinion (Walks off to the bathroom)

Zoom: You know that pony sucks so much

Thunder: What an bitch

(Later Star smike was in the bathroom washing his hooves till he went to the door but it was locked)

Star smike: hey HEY Let me out whoever pony is there this isn't funny

(Star smike looks around then sees a light switch he tries to turn it on but it doesn't work)

Star smike: Come on you dumb shit

(the light turns on a bit sec sam was right behind Star smike as outside thunder was hearing the noise)

Thunder: Huh uhhh anypony in there

Star smike: Come on (the light turns on) Yes

(then Star smike turns around to see sam right behind him then he screams in terror as sam starts walking towards Star smike and start to rip Star smike and bite him to death Star smike tries to get free but it's useless sam then rips Star smike body in half)

Thunder: Uhhhh what's that noise?

(Then sam walks out covered in blood then slowly turns to thunder then just looks at him then thunder just drops his weapon and runs off)

(Later in Bridlewood Barzen was walking in the market then breezies were flying around then one flys close to Barzen saying unknown words)

Breezie: (breezies language)

(the Barzen just eats the breezie as no breezies were looking)

(later tarry was in the ally in zephyr heights mostly eating remains of a dead pony later Seashell, Peach Fizz and Glory were walking pass till they saw the mysterious figure)

Seashell: What is that!?

Peach Fizz: I don't know but it looks scary

Glory: Should we run?

(then tarry comes out of the darkness then looks down at the pippsqueaks)

Seashell: Is that a tiger? Glory: I think it is but why is it wearing clothes

Peach Fizz: Don't know but it looks fabulous on him

(Tarry gets a what the fuck look to the pippsqueaks)

Glory: Ohhhhh can we dress him in makeup

Seashell: I think we can-

(Tarry kicks the pipsqueaks knocking them out)

(Violette Rainbow was walking around for her nightmare then she was knocked out by bret kind of a dumb move, then bret starts draggin the body)

(Later back in "Roger's wonderworld" Roger was the only one on stage he was mostly off but the necklace that looked similar to Misty's one she had when she used to work with opaline starts to glow and the insides of the roger suit tear off the necklace entangled with the wires and starts corrupting the Roger animatronic suit as the little thing starts to laugh crazy as it gains power of the suit it wanted revenge on a pony)

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